Start Stop Times Subtask
Labor laws in some states (California, for example) require that, in some cases, employees track and record start and stop times for each new task and for breaks and meals. Use the Start/Stop Times subtask to record this information. This subtask is available only if your company uses the Start/Stop Times feature.
If the timesheet is non-editable, you can still view the Start/Stop Times subtask, but the fields are disabled.
To display the Start/Stop Times subtask:
Start/Stop Times Table
Field | Description |
Timesheet Date |
Select the box in the first column for the date for which you want to enter start/stop times. Your data will automatically be entered into the timesheet table. |
Complete/Incomplete |
Boiler plate |
Line Details Table
Field | Description |
Charge |
Select the type of charge for which you are entering start and stop times: Break - Non-meal break Meal - Meal break Work - Work period in which you worked on tasks for which you are required to track start and stop times. This option is only available if you are required to enter start and stop times for work periods, but do not have to enter them for individual tasks that you worked on within those periods. Timesheet line number and specific UDT01 code - Work period for a specific task for which you are required to track start and stop times. This option is only available if you are required to enter separate start and stop times for time spent on specific tasks (UDT01 codes) and your timesheet has at least one row for a UDT01 code that is set up for start and stop time entry. To enter start and stop times for a specific charge code, you must first add a row for it to the timesheet, if one doesn't already exist. |
Start Date |
Select the date on which the time period began. The date is selected in the Start/Stop table above, but you can modify the date by clicking
Start Time |
Enter the starting time of the break, meal, or work period. |
Stop Date |
Select the date on which the time period ended. The date is selected in the Start/Stop table above, but you can modify the date by clicking
Stop Time |
Enter the ending time of the break, meal, or work period. You can leave the Stop Time blank as long as it is the only record without a stop time and is for the latest start/stop time line for the date. |
Comment |
Use this unlabeled field to enter a short note concerning the break, meal, or work period. |
OK |
Click OK to confirm any additions or changes that you made and return to the Timesheet screen. If you entered times for specific timesheet charge lines, Time & Expense calculates the hours for those lines and displays the result in the date column on the Timesheet screen. |