Contents of the View Voucher History Inquiry Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the View Voucher History Inquiry screen.

Select By Vendor

Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the vendor ID. If the Hold Payments check box is selected for this vendor on the Manage Vendor screen, Costpoint displays a warning but allows you to continue.


Enter, or click to select, the vendor name.

Invoice No

Enter the invoice number. When you finish with this screen and click Save, Costpoint performs a validation to check this invoice number against numbers existing in either the Voucher Header History table or the Voucher Header table. You can leave this field blank.


Enter, or click to select, the purchase order number of the voucher.

Select Voucher Detail Based On

Field Description
Pay Vendor

Select this option to view data by pay vendor. See the table window column descriptions below.


This option, which is selected by default, displays data by vendor. See the table window column descriptions below.

Select by Voucher

Field Description

Enter the voucher number in this field.

Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, the fiscal year of the vouchers you want included on the listing.

Table Window

All fields in the table window are non-editable.

Field Description
Vendor/Pay Vendor

The label and contents of this field depend on the option that you select in the Select Voucher Detail Based On group box:

  • If you select the Vendor option, this field displays the vendor ID.
  • If you select the Pay Vendor option, this field displays the pay vendor ID.
Vendor Name/Pay Vendor Name

The label and contents of this field depend on the option that you select in the Select Voucher Detail Based On group box:

  • If you select the Vendor option, this field displays the vendor name.
  • If you select the Pay Vendor option, this field displays the pay vendor name.
Location/Pay Vendor Location

The label and contents of this field depend on the option that you select in the Select Voucher Detail Based On group box:

  • If you select the Vendor option, this field displays the vendor's location code.
  • If you select the Pay Vendor option, this field displays the pay vendor's location code.
Inv No

This field displays the vendor's invoice number.


This field displays the vendor's voucher number.

Inv Date

This field displays the invoice date.

Due Date

Costpoint calculates this field based on the vendor's terms. Costpoint uses the due date on the Aging Report to track the voucher.

Anticipated Pay Date

This field displays the date that defaulted (based on the vendor terms and due date), or that you entered on the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen. You can change this field at any time before making the final payment. You can edit this field on the Edit Voucher Payment Status screen.

Tran Curr

This field displays the transaction currency code used on the voucher.

Inv Amt 

This field displays the invoice amount. The total amount for all the lines in the voucher detail, before discounts and including sales tax, must be the same as the invoice amount.

Discount Amount

This field displays the discount amount of the voucher. Costpoint calculates the discount amount based on the discount percent applied to the Invoice Amount.

Amount Due

This field displays the amount due. Costpoint calculates the due amount by subtracting the Discount Amount from the Invoice Amount.

Amount Paid

This field displays the amount already paid on the voucher.

Discount Taken

This field displays the total discount taken on this voucher.

Amount Remaining

This field displays the amount that remains on the voucher, after the Amount Paid is subtracted from the Amount Due.

Payment Status

This field displays the voucher status. A voucher can have one of six status settings:

  • HOLD: Hold for payment.
  • DEFER: Defer from payment.
  • PAY: Pay the voucher.
  • PAYWPD (Pay when paid): The voucher will not be released for payment until a designated A/R bill has been paid in full.
  • PPHOLD (Part Pay/Hold): Partially paid, but the remainder of the balance is on hold.
  • PAID: The voucher is fully paid. (Costpoint generates the Paid status; you cannot change this setting manually.)
Entry User

This field displays the name of the Costpoint user who entered the voucher.

Voucher Type

This field displays the type of voucher: AP (Accounts Payable) or PO (Purchase Order).

PO Number

This field displays the purchase order number of the voucher, entered on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.


This field displays the release number of the purchase order against which you are invoicing. If you used the lookup to select the purchase order, the release number associated with the purchase order that you selected automatically displays. If the purchase order entered is not a release order, the release number is 0 and you cannot change it.

Subcontractor Payment Code

This field displays the subcontractor payment code.

Invoice Pd of Perf

This field displays the invoice period of performance.

Pay When Paid

This Y/N (yes/no) field displays the Pay When Paid status of the voucher. A Y in this column indicates that voucher payments will be held until cash receipts have been entered for this vendor.


This field displays any notes that you entered for this voucher.

Document Location

This field displays the document location.

Print Notes

This column displays Y (Yes) if a note will print on the check or N (No) if a there is no note.

AP Account Description

This field displays the Accounts Payable account to which the voucher was charged.

FY Posted

This field displays the fiscal year in which this voucher was posted.

Period Posted

This field displays the period in which this voucher was posted.

Subperiod Posted

This field displays the subperiod in which this voucher was posted.


This field displays the sequence number of the voucher. When you post vouchers, they receive a posting sequence number that indicates the number of times a voucher distribution is posted to the general ledger within a given accounting period.

Trans Currency Name

This field displays the transaction currency name.

Entry Date

This field displays the entry date of the voucher.


This field displays the payment terms of the voucher.

Pay Crncy Cd

This field displays the pay currency code of the voucher.


Subtask Description
Exchange Rates Click this link to open the Exchange Rates subtask.
AP Voucher Detail Click this link to open the AP Voucher Detail subtask.
Voucher Totals Click this link to open the Voucher Totals subtask.
PO Voucher Detail Click this link to open the PO Voucher Detail subtask.
PO Voucher Totals Click this link to open the PO Voucher Totals subtask.
Checks Disbursed Click this link to open the Checks Disbursed subtask.
PO Detail Click this link to open the PO Detail subtask.