AP Current Dashpart

The AP Current dashpart is a bar chart that displays the accounts payable (AP) vouchers that have been outstanding for 0-30 days by vendor. The data on this dashpart comes from Costpoint.

Each vendor is represented by a bar. The amounts that display are based on the company's functional currency, as set up on the Costpoint database being accessed. The functional currency is also displayed on the chart legend, along with (000) to reflect that the data is presented in thousands.

The AP balance amount comes from the Open AP (OPEN_AP) table, which contains outstanding vouchers. The age of open accounts payables is based on payment due dates (Current Date - Due Date).

"Data Updates Realtime" indicates that the chart reflects updates to AP transactions as they are posted in Costpoint.


Hover over a bar to display a tooltip containing the vendor name and AP balance amount represented by that bar. Click a bar to open the View Voucher History Inquiry screen, where you can view the AP vouchers that have been outstanding for 0-30 days for a particular vendor.


The data that displays on this dashpart depends on whether or not your company uses the organization security feature in Costpoint. If your company does not have organization security applied, you can view data for all organizations in your company based on the parameters selected on the Parameters tab.

If your company has set up organization security, the security applied to the dashpart will be based on the organization security settings of the View Voucher History Inquiry screen. The security will be applied to the organization on AP transactions (performing organization) instead of the owning organization.

If the security profile with which you are associated does not have rights to the View Voucher History Inquiry screen, you can still view the AP Current dashpart but you will not be able to drill through the View Voucher History Inquiry screen.