Vision Insurance Tab
Use the Vision Insurance tab to view and select your vision insurance options.
You can access this tab on the Benefits Enrollment screen or the Life Events/New Hires screen.
Vision Insurance - Current Coverage Level
This table displays your current vision insurance coverage.
Field | Description |
Plan |
This field displays your current vision election. |
Coverage Level |
This field displays your current level of coverage (for example, "Employee," "Employee + 1," "Family,"). |
<Frequency> |
This field displays your current premium amount, based on the (current) pay frequency ("Monthly," "Semi-Monthly," "Bi-Weekly," or "Weekly"). |
Plan Information |
Subtask | Description |
Select Dependents for Coverage | Click this link to cover your dependents under your vision plan. |
Select New Coverage Level | Click this link to select a new vision election from the list of plans that are set up in the system. |
Instructions | Click this link to view special instructions from your benefits administrator. |
- Related Topics:
- Subtask of Vision Insurance
The Vision Insurance tab provides subtasks that allow you to select dependents, select coverage levels and view additional instructions from your benefits administrator.
Parent Topic: Tabs of Life Events/New Hires