Desc Info Tab
Use this tab to specify an asset template, enter descriptive information, depreciation status and methodology, property type and classification code for the asset record.
If populated, the fields in this non-editable group box specify the asset template number that was used as the mechanism to automatically populate the Asset Master record with data from that template and revision number, if applicable.
You can pre-establish one or more templates on the Manage Asset Template Information screen in which you can designate standard default data for property that shares common characteristics. The template functions only as the mechanism by which template data is automatically imported into an Asset Master record. When you enter a valid template number (and revision number, if applicable) in an Asset Master record via the Template Import Parameters subtask, data from the template automatically displays in the Asset Master record, where it can be edited on a field-by-field basis, as needed. Once the data is imported into the Asset Master record, there is no additional functionality for the template.
The primary function of the Asset Template is to import default data from the template into corresponding fields in an Asset Master record, thus reducing the amount of repetitive data entry in asset records that share mutual attributes. Another important advantage in the asset template functionality lies in the ability to incorporate consistent descriptions and data across Asset Master records, thus enhancing the quality of tracking and reporting functions within the system.
The system populates an asset record with template data when the template/revision number entered into the Template Import Parameters subtask is validated by the system and the Import Data button at the bottom of the Template Import Parameters screen is clicked. The source of the data imported into your Asset Master records is determined by the template or revision number that you specify in the Template No or Rev No fields.
Because Asset Master data may have originated from Purchasing, Receiving, and/or Accounts Payable using the autocreation function, it is very important to use the template functionality with caution. Although you should take care to preserve the integrity of the data with respect to its source, you always have the ability to edit data in the Asset Master record fields, as needed, regardless of the mode of data entry which can be manual, by autocreation, and/or via the template mechanism.
Regardless of whether a template was previously specified on Manage Asset Master Information, in Receiving, Accounts Payable, and/or by means of a default template, you can identify the template/revision number last used directly on this screen in the Template No field (and Rev No field, as applicable).
Alternately, even if a template number has previously been used to import data (the most recently-specified template will display in the Template No field and Rev No field, as applicable), you can now specify the use of a different template/revision number in the Template No or Rev No fields located in the Template Import Parameters subtask, if desired.
Because user-defined field data imported from a template bypasses the Master Autocreation Transactions screen and is copied directly into an Asset Master record when you run the Create Asset Master Records screen, the specific user-defined field options are available only when importing template data directly into Asset Master records and not on the Master Autocreation Transactions screen.
If you specify a template/revision number in the Receiving and/or Accounts Payable screens, the Template Import Parameters subtask will not display.
You will have more control over the import of template data if you designate a template directly on this screen or on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen instead of initiating a template in Receiving or Accounts Payable.
If you bypass or defer the use of the template capability, you will need to enter data directly in the Asset Master record on a field-by-field basis or clone data from existing asset records. However, you can always set up templates and use this feature as desired at a later time.
Alternately, you may want to establish only one template that contains only system-required data. In this circumstance, you can designate this sole template as the system default (in the Template No field in the Default Template for Asset Master group box on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen. This methodology, used mostly by small companies, incorporates only one charging and computing scenario and may therefore require additional edits in Asset Master records after you have imported the template data. For this reason, it will be more efficient if you set up individual templates for each different set of default data.
Field | Description |
Template No |
To import template data, you must first click the Template Import Parameters subtask link and choose the desired template import options directly on the Template Import Parameters screen. During initialization, you may set up one or more Asset Template records for the purpose of providing defaults required by the system as well as supplying other desired information. For a new asset record, you may find that data automatically displays in many of the fields in the Asset Master screens because you have designated one specific Asset Template for use as a default on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen. This field, together with the Rev No field, supplies the unique identifier for the Asset Template record. If you include a revision number in the identifier, you can record subsequent revisions to an original template and retain each earlier version. You can use Lookup to search for and select the desired asset template number. Alternately, you can overwrite a default template by entering blanks in this optional field, thus bypassing the template functionality. For an existing asset record, this field will either be blank or it will display the default template number or the template number that you have entered or overwritten in this field. You can enter a valid template number or use Lookup to select one in the Template Import Parameters subtask. This template number will appear in the Template No field on the Desc Info tab once the template data has been imported. In the Template Import Parameters subtask you can select your preferences for importing the template data. You have three general options, which you can use:
See Template Import Parameters for more information. Because asset master data may have originated from Purchasing, Receiving, and/or Accounts Payable using the autocreation function, it is very important to use the template functionality with caution. Although you should take care to preserve the integrity of the data with respect to its source, you can always edit data in the Asset Master record fields, as needed, regardless of the mode of data entry. |
Rev No |
If you do not use templates, this field will be blank. Even if you use the template functionality, this field may be blank if a revision number was not assigned as part of the identifier for a template number. This field, together with the Template No field, supplies the unique identifier for the template record. A revision number is not required when you set up asset templates. If, however, you have set up a template number with an associated revision number, you must enter the revision number in this field in the Template Import Parameters subtask. This Rev No will then appear in the Rev field on the Desc Info screen. Use a revision number (associated with a template number) to retain the data from each successive template change, if desired. Because the revision number is part of and an extension to the template number, all the rules and conditions that apply to templates also apply to revision numbers. |
Use the fields in this group box to enter, edit, or view optional descriptive information in the asset record.
You may find that the fields in this group box are already populated with default data from a template. The source of this data is determined by the number that displays in the Template No/Rev No fields on this screen.
For an existing asset record, these fields display the most current data that you added or edited in the asset record or the selection from the latest Asset Template imported. It may not always be easy to identify the source of the Asset Master data, because template functionality on this screen and on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen allows you to overwrite all existing data with template data or to populate only blank fields with template data.
You can edit data that displays in this field now, you can add new data to a blank field, or you can delete the existing data in this field, as desired.
Because Asset Master data may have originated from Costpoint Purchasing, Receiving, and/or Accounts Payable using the autocreation function, it is very important to use the template functionality with caution. Although you should take care to preserve the integrity of the data with respect to its source, you can always edit data in the Asset Master record, regardless of the mode of data entry (manually, using autocreation, and/or via the template mechanism).
Field | Description |
Short Desc |
For a new asset record, enter a short description for it. Although this field is not required in an Asset Master record, you may want to provide a meaningful asset description because the data entered in this field will display in the Description field on many standard system reports. |
Long Desc |
For a new asset record, enter additional descriptive data. For an existing record, you can additionally edit data that displays in this field, you can add new data to a blank field, or you can delete the existing data in this field, as desired. |
Addt'l Desc |
For a new asset record, enter additional descriptive data, as desired. |
Depreciation Status
Field | Description |
Depr Status |
Select the depreciation status from the drop-down list. Valid options are:
The following conditions apply:
You may find that this field is already populated with default data from a template. The source of this data is determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No/Rev No fields on this screen. Remember that data may have been copied from a default template designated in the Default Template for Asset Master field on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen. For an existing asset record, this field displays the most current data that you added or edited in the asset record or the selection from the latest Asset Template if a template was used. It may not always be easy to identify the source of the Asset Master data, because template functionality on this screen and on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen allows you to overwrite all existing data with template data or to populate only blank fields with template data. Because Asset Master data may have originated from Costpoint Purchasing, Receiving, and/or Accounts Payable using the autocreation function, it is very important to use the template functionality with caution. Although you should take care to preserve the integrity of the data with respect to its source, you can always edit data in the Asset Master record, regardless of the mode of data entry (manually, using autocreation, and/or via the template mechanism). Note: Before importing template data to an Asset Master record or to the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen, you must click on the Template Import Parameters subtask link, in which you can specify how the template data should be imported. Because the system automatically supplies a default value for this field and it is not considered blank, you can select an overwrite option in the Template Import Parameters subtask for this field to be used by the system when importing template data.
Post Disposal to G/L |
This check box is available only if you have specified that the record is Non-Depreciable in the Depr Status drop-down box. This check box is disabled for depreciable assets because disposal entries are always posted to the General Ledger for them. Select this check box for a non-depreciable asset to post a future disposal entry for this record to the General Ledger (G/L). In the case of non-depreciable assets (for example, land), the G/L entry on disposal can consist only of debits and credits, as appropriate, to the Cost and Gain/Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets accounts, because there is no accumulated depreciation associated with a non-depreciable asset. You may find that this field is already populated with default data from a template. The source of this data is determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No/Rev No fields on this screen. For an existing asset record, this field displays the most current data that you added or edited in the asset record or the selection from the latest Asset Template. |
Depreciation Based On
Use the drop-down box in this group box to select, edit, or view the depreciation methodology for a depreciable asset.
If you selected the Non-Depreciable depreciation status in the Depreciation Status group box, the drop-down box in this group box will be grayed out and inaccessible.
Field | Description |
Depr Based On |
Select the depreciation methodology from the drop-down list. Valid options are:
Your selection in this field only affects fields in the G/L Book Info tab. In optional books 2-10, as utilized in the Other Books Info subtask, all depreciation calculations are based exclusively on the Years depreciation methodology. Because each of the three basic methodologies for depreciating assets uses some specific terminology and concepts that are not mutually shared, the purpose of this drop-down box is to ensure the activation of the appropriate fields when you access the G/L Book Info tab, as follows:
The fields for the unselected depreciation methodologies in the G/L Book Info tab are inaccessible and non-editable. You may find that this field is already populated with default data from a template. The source of this data is determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No/Rev No fields on this screen. For an existing asset record, this field displays the most current data that you added or edited in the asset record or the selection from the latest Asset Template. Because the system automatically supplies a default value for this field and it is not considered blank, you can select an overwrite option for this field to be used by the system when importing template data. |
Record Status
Use the drop-down box in this group box to select, edit, or view the record status of the asset record.
Field | Description |
Record Status |
Select a status from the drop-down list. Valid options are:
If you entered the disposal data directly in the Asset Master record, the data is treated as a "Manual" disposal and can be edited. The Manual disposal entry function was designed primarily for entering historical disposal data during initialization and should be necessary only in rare circumstances. If you enter historical data in the Disp Info tab, you must also assign a Disposal status to the record on this field to successfully save the record.
For an existing template record, this field displays the record status you selected when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You may find that this field is already populated with default data from a template. The source of this data is determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No/Rev No fields in this screen. For an existing asset record, this field displays the most current data that you added or edited in the asset record or the selection from the latest Asset Template. Because the system automatically supplies a default value for this field and it is not considered blank, you can select an overwrite option for this field to be used by the system when importing template data. Because Asset Master data may have originated from Costpoint Purchasing, Receiving, and/or Accounts Payable using the autocreation function, it is very important to use the template functionality with caution. Although you should take care to preserve the integrity of the data with respect to its source, you can always edit data in the Asset Master record, regardless of the mode of data entry (manually, using autocreation, and/or via the template mechanism). |
Entry Info
Use the non-editable fields in this group box to view data relative to the original asset record entry.
Field | Description |
User |
This field displays the user identification associated with the creation of this asset record. For a new record, the system will automatically record and display the user identification after the asset record is saved for the first time. For an existing asset record, the system automatically displays the identification of the user that originally added the record. If you save an asset record that you copied using the Clone feature, the system will update this field with the identification of the user that saved the cloned record, and it will no longer display the identification of the user that originally added the record. |
Date |
This field displays the date associated with the creation of this asset record. For a new record, the system will automatically record and display the date on which the asset record is saved for the first time. For an existing asset record, the system automatically displays the date on which the record was originally added. If you save an asset record that you copied using the Clone feature, the system will update this field with the date on which the user saved the cloned record, and it will no longer display the date that existed on the copied asset record. |
Time |
This field displays the time associated with the creation of this asset record. For a new record, the system will automatically record and display the time at which the asset record is saved for the first time. For an existing asset record, the system automatically displays the time at on which the record was originally added. If you save an asset record that you copied using the Clone feature, the system will update this field with the time at which the user saved the cloned record, and it will no longer display the time that existed on the copied asset record. |
Post Seq No |
This field displays the posting sequence number for this asset record. In the event of a system failure during posting, or if an entry for this asset is currently being posted, the system will display the entry's posting sequence number in this field. The system assigns identical posting sequence numbers to all entries posted in a specific session. A sequence number displays only for entries that were unsuccessfully posted or if the system is in the process of posting the entry. If the record has a posting sequence number, you will not be able to edit, delete, or save edits to this record. After the entry has been successfully posted for the asset, the sequence number will no longer display, and you can edit the record. |
Entry Type |
This field displays the type of entry used for adding the asset record. For a new asset record, the system will automatically record and display this data after the record is saved for the first time. For an existing asset record, this field displays the type of original entry. Manually added or autocreated entry types are recorded and the values are:
Use the fields in this group box to select, edit, or view the system-required property type, classification code and the optional subclass code to assign to the asset record.
You may find that the fields in this group box are already populated with default data from a template. The source of this data may be determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No/Rev No fields in this screen. Data may have been copied from a default template designated in the Default Template for Asset Master field on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen.
Because Asset Master data may have originated from Costpoint Purchasing, Receiving, and/or Accounts Payable using the autocreation function, it is very important to use the template functionality with caution. Although you should take care to preserve the integrity of the data with respect to its source, you can always edit data in the Asset Master record fields, as needed, regardless of the mode of data entry (manually, using autocreation, and/or via the template mechanism).
Field | Description |
Property Type |
Enter, or click
Since the system validates your selection for this field against your setup data, you will first need to establish property types on the Manage Property Types screen. For an existing asset record, this field displays the selection you made when you originally added the asset record or made subsequent edits. You can change the data that displays in this field, as desired. |
Classification Code |
Enter, or click
Since the system validates your selection for this field against your setup data, you will first need to establish classification codes on the Manage Classification Codes screen. For an existing asset record, this field displays the selection you made when you originally added the asset record or made subsequent edits. You can change the data that displays in this field, as desired. |
Subclass Code |
Enter, or click
Since the system validates your selection for this field against your setup data, you will first need to establish subclass codes on the Manage Subclass Codes screen. For an existing asset record, this field displays the selection you made when you originally added the asset record or made subsequent edits. You can change the data that displays in this field, as desired. |
- Related Topics:
- Table Information for the Desc Info Tab
The system stores the Asset Master data displayed on the Desc Info tab in the ASSET table.