Desc Info Tab
Use the fields in this tab to enter, edit, or view template defaults, as applicable, for descriptions, depreciation/lease status, record status, basis for depreciation, lease type, entry information, and definitions.
In this group box, you can enter, edit, or view descriptive information in the template.
Data from the fields in this group box will automatically display in the same field(s) in a new Asset Master record if the corresponding template has been specified as the default template in the Default Template for Asset Master group box on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen. Data from the fields will display in the same field(s) in an existing Asset Master record if this template/revision number replaces an existing template/revision number in the Template No/Rev No fields in an Asset Master record.
Field | Description |
Short Desc |
For a new template record, enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters in this field. This field is designed to provide a short description for the Asset Master, not to provide a description for the template. Although this field is not required in an Asset Master record, you may want to provide a meaningful asset description, as appropriate to the template because the data entered in this field will display in the Description field on many standard system reports. For an existing template record, this field will display the selection you made when you originally added the template record. You can edit data that displays in this field or you can add new data to a blank field, as desired. Data entered in this field will automatically display in the Short Desc field in a new Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information screen and on the Manage Asset Description Information screen, if you specify the use of this template/revision number. |
Long Desc |
For a new template record, enter up to 60 alphanumeric characters in this optional field, as applicable, to provide additional descriptive data. This field is designed to provide a long description for the Asset Master, and not to provide a description for the template. For an existing template record, this field displays the data you entered when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can edit data that displays in this field now, you can add new data to a blank field, or you can delete the existing data in this field, as desired. This field is not required in an Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information screen. Note: When you set up a template on this screen, and enter a template/revision number that has already been established as an Item/Revision Number in Product Definition, the item description for the item in Product Definition automatically displays in the
Long Desc field of the template, where you can edit it as desired. The template number and revision number entered must be a precise match in this circumstance.
Data entered in this field will automatically display in the Long Desc field in a new Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information screen and on the Manage Asset Description Information screen, if you specify the use of the template/revision number shown. |
Addt'l Desc |
For a new template record, enter up to 254 characters in this optional field to add additional descriptive data, as desired. For an existing template record, this field will display the selection you made when you originally added the template record. You can edit data that displays in this field or you can add new data to a blank field, as desired. Data entered in this field will automatically display in the Addt'l Desc field in a new Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information screen and on the Manage Asset Description Information screen, if you specify the use of the template/revision number shown. |
Depreciation/Lease Status
In this group box, you will need to specify in the template if this record is Depreciable or Non-Depreciable in this field.
Field | Description |
Depr/Lease Status |
Select the depreciation/lease status from the drop-down list. The options are:
For a new template record, Depreciable automatically displays as the system default. You can change the default to Non-Depreciable or Capitalize as desired for this template. If you change the depreciable/lease status from Depreciable to Non-Depreciable, Depreciable to Capitalize, Non-Depreciable to Capitalize, and Capitalize to Non-Depreciable, the system displays the following message: Warning:
All data previously entered in the G/L Book Info, the Other Books Info, and the Depr Exp Acct Alloc Code and Accumulated Depreciation Account Code fields in the Accounts Info will be cleared. OK? For an existing template record, this field will display the selection you made when you originally added the template record. You can change your selections as desired for this template to add non-depreciable government property records and non-depreciable company-owned Asset Master records. The status you select for this field will automatically display as the record status in an Asset Master record if you specify the use of this template/revision number as a new or replacement template/revision number. Note: Before importing template data to an Asset Master record or to the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen, open the Template Import Parameters subtask, where you specify how the template data should be imported.
Because the system supplies a default value for this field and it is not considered "blank," you can select an overwrite option for this field to be used by the system when importing template data. Please refer to the documentation for the Template fields on the Manage Asset Master Information screen and/or the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen for more detailed information. |
Post Disp to G/L |
Select this check box to indicate that posting of disposal entry will be made to the General Ledger. This check box is only available if you select Non-Depreciable from the Depr/Lease Status drop-down list. Selecting this check box for a non-depreciable asset allows a future disposal entry for this record to be posted to the General Ledger. In the case of non-depreciable assets (for example, land), the G/L entry on disposal can only consist of debits and credits, as appropriate, to the Cost and Gain/Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets accounts because there is no accumulated depreciation associated with a non-depreciable asset. This field is not available for depreciable assets because disposal entries can always be posted to the General Ledger for them. Your selection for this check box will automatically display in the Depreciation/Lease Status group box in a new Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information screen and in the corresponding column on the Manage Asset Description Information screen, if you specify the use of this template/revision number. Alternately, this check box will automatically display in the same field(s) if this template has been specified as the default template in the Default Template for Asset Master group box on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen. Your selection for this check box will also display in the same field(s) if this template/revision number replaces an existing template/revision number in the Template No/Rev No fields in an Asset Master record. For an existing template record with Depr Status set to Non-Depreciable, you can select or clear this check box as desired. |
Depreciation/Lease Based On
Use the fields in this group box to select, edit, or view the system-required depreciation methodology and the optional lease type in the template.
Field | Description | ||||
Depr/Lease Based On |
For a new template record, Years is automatically selected as the system default. You can change the default selection to Units of Usage or Lease Pds as desired for this template. If you select Depreciable in the Depreciation/Lease Status group box, you must also specify Years, Units of Usage, or Lease Pds base methodology for depreciation. If you change from Depreciable Lease Pds to Depreciable Years or Depreciable Units of Usage, the system displays the following message: Warning: All data previously entered into the G/L Book Info tab, the Depr Exp Acct Alloc Code, and Acumulated Depreciation Account Code fields in the Acct Info tab will be cleared. If this is a lease record which now needs to be capitalized, changing this value will cleared the above fields, removing all historical amortization data. OK?
If you select Non-Depreciable in the Depreciation/Lease Status group box, the options in this group box will be inaccessible. If you select Capitalize in the Depreciation Lease Status, the options in this group box will be inaccessible and will be defaulted to Lease Pds. Because each of the three basic methodologies for depreciating assets uses some specific terminology and concepts that are not mutually shared, the purpose of this radio button is to ensure the activation of the appropriate fields when you access the G/L Book Info tab, as follows:
The fields for the unselected depreciation methodologies in the G/L Book Info tab are inaccessible and non-editable. Your selection in this field only affects fields in the G/L Book Info tab. In optional Books 2-10, as utilized in the Other Books Info subtask, all depreciation calculations are based exclusively on a Years depreciation methodology. For an existing template record, this field displays the depreciation basis you selected when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can change this radio button as desired. The depreciation basis option you select will automatically display as the depreciation basis in an Asset Master record if you specify the use of the template/revision number shown as a new or replacement template/revision number. Note: Before importing template data to an Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen, you must open the Template Import Parameters subtask, in which you can specify which template to use and how the template data should be imported.
Because the system automatically supplies a default value for this field and it is not considered "blank," you can select an overwrite option for this field to be used by the system when importing template data. Please refer to the documentation for the Template fields on the Manage Asset Master Information screen and/or the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen for more detailed information
Field | Description |
Record Status |
Select the record status from the drop-down list. The selections available are:
Note: Before importing template data to an Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen, you must open the Template Import Parameters subtask, in which you can specify how the template data should be imported.
Because the system automatically supplies a default value for this field and it is not considered "blank," you can select an overwrite option for this field to be used by the system when importing template data. Please refer to the documentation for the Template fields on the Manage Asset Master Information screen and/or the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen for more detailed information |
Field | Description |
Entry Info |
In this group box, data from the original record entry automatically displays. The non-editable data from these fields does not copy over to the Asset Master record because it is pertinent only to the template record itself. If you save a template that you copied using Clone Record feature, the system will update the fields in this group box with the entry information when the cloned record was saved, and it will no longer display the information when the record was originally added. |
Field | Description |
User ID |
This field is not available for user entry. For a new record, the system will automatically record and display the user identification after the template record is saved for the first time. For an existing template record, the system automatically displays the identification of the user who originally added the record. |
Date |
This field is not available for user entry. For a new record, the system will automatically record and display the date after the template record is saved for the first time. For an existing template record, the system automatically displays the date that the record was originally added. |
Time |
This field is not available for user entry. For a new record, the system will automatically record and display the time after the template record is saved for the first time. For an existing template record, the system automatically displays the time that the record was originally added. |
Use the fields in this group box to select, edit, or view the system-required property type and classification code and the optional subclass code in the template.
Field | Description |
Property Type |
This field is required in both an Asset Template and an Asset Master record. For a new template record, enter, or click
For an existing template record, this field will display the selection you made when you originally added the template record. You can edit data that displays in this field, as desired. Data entered in this field will automatically display in the Property Type field in a new Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information screen and the Manage Asset Description Information screen, if you specify the use of the template/revision number saved with this record. Alternately, data from this field will automatically display in the same field(s) if this template has been specified as the default template in the Default Template for Asset Master group box on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen. Data from this field will display in the same field(s) in an existing Asset Master record if this template/revision number replaces an existing template/revision number in the Template No/Rev No fields in an Asset Master record. |
Classification Code |
For a new template record, enter, or click
For an existing template record, this field displays the selection you made when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can change the data that displays in this field, as desired. A classification code is also required in an Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information screen. Data from this field will display in the same field(s) in an existing Asset Master record if this template/revision number replaces an existing template/revision number in the Template No/Rev No fields in an Asset Master record. |
Subclass Code |
For a new template record, enter, or click
For an existing template record, this field displays the selection you made when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can change the data that displays in this field, as desired. The data from this field will automatically display as the subclass code in an Asset Master record if you specify the use of this template/revision number as a new or replacement template/revision number. |