G/L Book Info Tab
Use the fields on this tab to enter, edit, or view template defaults, as applicable, for system calculations, salvage percentage as well as years, units of usage, or lease information. Always use caution when editing existing records, to prevent unexpected depreciation and reporting results.
If you select Depreciable as depreciation status for the template in the Desc Info tab, you are also required in the same tab to specify a basis for depreciation such as Years, Units, or Lease Pds.
Because each of the three basic methodologies for depreciating assets uses some specific terminology and concepts that are not mutually shared, your methodology selection determines the activation of the appropriate fields when you use this G/L Book Info tab. The conditions are as follows:
- For a depreciable record for which you select Years as depreciation basis, the system activates only those fields within the G/L Book Info tab that are appropriate for use with a Years depreciation methodology.
- For a depreciable record for which you select Units as depreciation basis, the system activates only those fields within the G/L Book Info tab that are appropriate for use with a Units of Usage depreciation methodology.
- For a depreciable record for which you select a Lease Pds depreciation basis, the system activates only those fields within the G/L Book Info tab that are appropriate for use with a Lease Periods depreciation methodology.
The fields for the unselected depreciation methodologies in the G/L Book Info tab are inaccessible and non-editable.
Your depreciation methodology selection only affects fields in the G/L Book Info tab. For Other Books 2 to 10, as utilized in the Other Books Info subtask, all depreciation calculations are based exclusively on a Years depreciation methodology.
If you plan to use templates, you should enter data on this screen and in the applicable tabs and subtasks before you begin to establish your Asset Master records. You can use template functionality at any time, however. Although you can change the information on this screen at any time, use caution in the timing of your edits.
You should enter data on this screen before you calculate depreciation. Your timing in making edits to these critical fields can affect the calculation of depreciation as well as the types of records included in system reports.
Data in this tab will automatically display in an Asset Master record, if you specify the use of the template/revision number of the template record you are creating or editing. Alternately, data from these fields will automatically display in the same field(s) if you specify this template in the Default Template for Asset Master group box on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen. Data from these fields will display in the same field(s) in an existing Asset Master record if the template/revision numbers replace existing values in the Template No/Rev No fields in an Asset Master record.
System Calculations
Use the single check box in this group box to activate or deactivate automatic system depreciation calculations for this template record.
Field | Description |
Auto Calculate Depreciation |
For a new template record, the system automatically selects this check box as default. Select this check box if you want the system to automatically calculate depreciation for the Asset Master record that will use this template. Clear this check box if you want to disable the automatic system calculation. If you do not enable automatic system calculations, you must manually enter the amount of depreciation expense to be posted to the General Ledger in each Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information screen. In general:
For an existing template record, this field displays the check box status you selected when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. Your selection for this check box will automatically display in an Asset Master record if you specify the use of this template/revision number as a new or replacement template/revision number. Note: Before importing template data to an Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information screen or to the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen, you must open the Template Import Parameters subtask, in which you can specify how the template data should be imported.
Because the system automatically supplies a default value for this field and it is not considered "blank," you can select an overwrite option for this field to be used by the system when importing template data. Please refer to the documentation for the Template fields on the Manage Asset Master Information screen and/or the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen for more detailed information. For assets that have Lease Pds as depreciation basis, the label for this check box will read as Auto Calculate for the automatic computation of amortization. If you select the Auto Calculate check box, the system will compute the monthly amortization and will display the results in the Current Pd Amortization field of the Asset Master record. |
Use the single field in this group box to specify an optional salvage percentage for the template record.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Percent |
For a new template record, enter the salvage value percentage rate to be used in the calculation of salvage and depreciable value in the Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information screen in this field. If you enter a salvage value percentage in this field, the system automatically computes and displays the equivalent salvage value in the Asset Master record. Do not enter a value in the Percent field for salvage unless this is the point at which you want the system to stop depreciation. For an existing template record, this field displays the selection you made when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can change the data that displays in this field, as desired. Because system calculations use this data in an Asset Master record to determine the manner in which depreciation computations should take place for each record, however, use caution if you change this field for property records once they have begun depreciating in the system. Note: There is a special check box related to salvage value when you set up your depreciation methods on the Manage Depreciation Methods screen.
The Subtract Salvage Value Before Calculation check box on that screen is selected as default, in which the system will subtract the salvage value from the cost of the asset prior to performing depreciation calculations. This value, which represents the total cost adjusted for salvage, automatically displays in the Amount to Depreciate field(s) in Asset Master records. (For example, if an asset's cost is $10,000 and its salvage value is 5%, then the amount to depreciate is $ 9,500 and the system will not permit depreciation in excess of $ 9,500 for this asset). If this check box is not selected, the system will ignore any salvage value when computing depreciation. In this circumstance, the value in the Amount to Depreciate field(s) for any book in an Asset Master record should be equal to the value in the Total Cost field. Refer to the specific examples below, each of which illustrates a different way in which to handle salvage value relative to the computation of depreciation based on years: |
Example 1 |
This example illustrates the setup for the condition in which salvage value is subtracted before depreciation calculations. This is the most common methodology for computing depreciation when salvage value is assigned to an asset. Asset Master File:
For this example, Costpoint subtracts the salvage value from the asset's total cost to determine the amount to depreciate (10,000 - 1,000 = 9,000). Note that the residual amount is spread uniformly across all years of useful life ($200 per year for 5 years). To determine annual depreciation, the system multiplies the amount to depreciate by the depreciation percentage for the appropriate year of life. |
Example 2 |
This example illustrates the setup for the condition in which salvage value is not subtracted before depreciation calculations. Asset Master File:
In this example, the system ignores the salvage value from the asset's total cost when determining the amount to depreciate (10,000 - 0 = 10,000). To determine annual depreciation, the system multiplies the amount to depreciate by the depreciation percentage for the appropriate year of life. |
Example 3 |
Asset Master File:
This example illustrates the only method available that recognizes the residual (salvage) amount in the last year of useful life. Note that only 90% of the asset was set up for depreciation when the depreciation method was defined. |
Years Info
Use the fields in this group box to specify a depreciation method and useful life for the template record, as applicable.
These fields will only be active if you select Years as depreciation basis on the Desc Info tab. In this circumstance, the fields for the unselected depreciation methodologies (Units and Lease Pds) will be inaccessible and non-editable in this tab.
Field | Description |
Depr Method Code |
For a new template record, enter, or click
Since the system validates your selection for this field against your setup data, you will first need to establish depreciation methods on the Manage Depreciation Methods screen. A depreciation method code is required if the template depreciation status is Depreciable and if you designate the depreciation basis as Years on the Desc Info tab. A depreciation method code is also required in an Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information and the Mange Asset General Ledger Book Information screens for a depreciable record based on years. For an existing template record, this field displays the selection you made when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can change the data that displays in this field, as desired. Note: Because depreciation calculations in the Asset Master record can use the depreciation method code from this field, use caution if you change the depreciation method code for a record once it has begun depreciating in the system.
Useful Life |
For a new template record, enter the useful life for this record. For an existing template record, this field will display the selection you made when you originally added the template record. You can edit the value that displays in this field, as desired.
The value in this field is for data purposes only, and is not used in system calculations. When the system calculates depreciation, the depreciation year and percentage for that year is derived from the depreciation method assigned to the record in the Depr Method Code field. (For example, if you enter a useful life of five years in the Useful Life field but the depreciation method assigned to the record uses only three years, the system will use percentages for three years only in its calculations, as specified by the depreciation method). |
Units Info
Use the fields in this group box to specify an estimated useful life, unit of measure, and standard depreciation rate per unit of usage for the template record, as applicable. Units of usage depreciation methodology is useful when depreciation is to be based directly on usage, such as computer hours, highway miles, and so on For this depreciation basis you will not need to supply a depreciation method.
These fields will only be active if you select Units as depreciation basis in the Desc Info tab. In this circumstance, the fields for the unselected depreciation methodologies (Years and Lease Pds) will be inaccessible and non-editable in this tab.
Field | Description |
Estimated Units Useful Life |
For a new template record, enter the estimated units of useful life (such as hours or miles). This field is similar to the Amount to Depreciate field in an Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information screen because it defines the maximum number of units beyond which the system should not calculate depreciation. The system also uses the value in the Estimated Units Useful Life field as a data limiter, since it will not permit usage entries that will create a value in the Total Units Used field in an Asset master record that is greater than the value in this field. Although entry in this field is optional in both an Asset Template and an Asset Master record, the system requires this data for a depreciable asset in which depreciation is based on Units or Units of Usage methodology in order for depreciation calculations to proceed. For an existing template record, this field displays the selection you made when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can change the data that displays in this field, as desired. Because system calculations use this field to determine the total limit to depreciation expense, use caution if you change this field for an asset once it has begun depreciating in the system. Note: Although it is not recommended, you can force the system to post total depreciation that is greater than the amount to depreciate by manually overwriting the system depreciation calculation in the Current Pd Depreciation fields in the G/L Book Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen and on the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen. Similarly, if you have underestimated the value in this
Estimated Units Useful Life field, you can make manual edits to this field, if necessary.
Unit of Measure Description |
For a new template record, enter the unit of measure description (such as Hours or Miles). The value in this field is for data purposes only, and is not used in system calculations.
For an existing template record, this field will display the selection you made when you originally added the template record. You can edit the value that displays in this field, as desired. |
Std Depr Rate Per Unit of Usage |
For a new template record, enter the depreciation rate per unit of usage to be used during depreciation calculations. Although this data is not system-required in a template or in an asset master record, system calculations cannot take place if this data is missing for an Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information screen. During depreciation computations, the system multiples the value from this field to the value in the Current Units Used field in the G/L Book Info tab. For an existing template record, this field displays the selection you made when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can change the data that displays in this field, as desired. Because system calculations use this field to determine current period depreciation expense, use caution if you change this field for an asset once it has begun depreciating in the system. |
Lease Info
Use the fields in this group box to specify a lease or leasehold amortization start and end dates and whether this is a capitalized lease, as applicable, for the template. Lease depreciation methodology is useful when depreciation is to be based over a period of time that does not fall into an even number of years (such as 37 months, 71 periods, and so on). For this depreciation basis you will not need to supply a depreciation method.
These fields will only be active if you select Lease Pds as depreciation basis in the Desc Info tab. In this circumstance, the fields for the unselected depreciation methodologies (Years and Units) will be inaccessible and non-editable in this tab.
Field | Description |
Capitalized Lease |
For a new template record, select this check box to indicate that record represents a capitalized lease. This check box is clear by default, but you can select it as desired. The check box is for data purposes only, and is not used in system calculations.
For an existing template record, this field will display the selection you made when you originally added the template record, as applicable. You can edit the value that displays in this field, as desired. |
Lease Start Date |
For a new template record, enter, or click
The date in this field is for data purposes only, and is not used in system calculations. When the system calculates amortization, the system checks the date only from the Amortization Start Date field in the G/L Book Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The date in this field can be an historical, current, or future date. For an existing template record, this field will display the selection you made when you originally added the template record, as applicable. You can edit the value that displays in this field, as desired. |
Lease End Date |
For a new template record, enter, or click
The date in this field is for data purposes only, and is not used in system calculations. This field is optional in both an Asset Template and an Asset Master record, and the field can contain a historical, current or future date, or the field can be left blank. For an existing template record, this field will display the selection you made when you originally added the template record, as applicable. You can edit the value that displays in this field, as desired. |