Contents of the Configure Company Information Screen

Taxable Entity

Field Description
Taxable Entity

Enter a taxable entity ID in this field. You may have more than one taxable entity per company.   

Taxable Entity Name

Enter the name of the taxable entity.

Entity Info

Field Description

Enter the company identifier for the taxable entity.

Tax ID

Enter your company's Federal Employer Tax Identification Number for this company ID. Include the third-digit dash. This ID displays on Form W-2 and Form 1099.

Contact Info

Field Description
Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Address Line 3

Enter up to three lines for the street address and other address information for this company ID.

Note: Address Line 2 and Address Line 3 do not print on Form 1099. Before printing Form 1099, make sure that Address Line 1 contains all necessary street address information for the company.
City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country

Enter, or click to select, the city, state/province, country, and postal code. If the combination of city, state/province, country, and postal code do not already exist in the System Codes table, Costpoint automatically adds them to that table when you save.

Telephone No

Enter a phone number for this company. If you enter a phone number, it displays on the third address line of checks.

Note: Each user in Costpoint is assigned a default company ID, which is stored in the User ID table. That ID is not available on the Manage Users screen. In most cases, the default company ID is 1. If you need to delete company 1 from Costpoint, all users who have company 1 as their default company must first be assigned a different default company. To do that, each user must change his or her default company ID on the Manage User Preferences screen and then exit Costpoint.