Contents of the Print 1095-CS Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Print 1095-CS screen.


Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options, if there are any, are also included in the saved parameter ID. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Field Description
Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made on the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made on the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display on the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Selection Ranges

Field Description
Selection Type

From the unlabeled drop-down list, select the field that the application will use as basis for the selecting 1095-Cs for printing. Your selection in this drop-down list will be the default option in the 1st Sort drop-down list. Valid options are:

  • Employee Name: Select this option to select 1095-Cs by employee name.
  • Employee ID: Select this option to select 1095-Cs by employee ID.
  • Social Security Number: Select this option to select 1095-Cs by employee social security number
  • Home Organization: Select this option to select 1095-Cs by the employee home organization
  • Mailing Address State: Select this option to select 1095-Cs by employee mailing address state. If this option is selected, the State/Province field must be populated on the Manage 1095-Cs screen in order for the employee’s 1095-C to be selected for printing. The 1095-Cs for employees without Mailing Address States will not be included.
  • Mailing Address Postal Code: Select this option to select 1095-Cs by employee mailing address postal code. If this option is selected, the Country and ZIP or Postal Code field must be populated on the Manage 1095-Cs screen in order for the employee’s 1095-C to be selected for printing. The 1095-Cs for employees without mailing address postal codes will not be included.
  • Locator Code: Select this option to select 1095-Cs by employee locator code. If this option is selected, the Locator Code field must be populated on the Manage Employee Information screen for each employee that has a 1095-C. The 1095-Cs for employees without locator codes will not be included.
Range Type

From the drop-down list, select the range option for 1095-Cs that will be included on this report. Valid options are:

  • All: Select this option to include all employees in the process.
  • One: Select this option to include only one employee in the process. Enter the taxable entity in the Start field.
  • Range: Select this option to include a range of employees in the process. The range begins with the employee entered in the Start field and ends with the employee entered in the End field.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include the first employee up to the employee entered in the End field.
  • To End: Select this option to include the employee entered in the Start field up to the last employee.

Enter, or click to select, the starting value for the selection of employees.


Enter, or click to select, the ending value for the selection of employees.

Employee Name/Employee/Social Security Number/Home Organization/Mailing Address State/Mailing Address Postal Code/Locator Code Non-Contiguous Range

Select this check box to select a non-contiguous range for employee name/employee/social security number/home organization/mailing address state/mailing address postal code/locator code selection. Use the corresponding non-contiguous range subtask to select the range of data that you would like to include in the processing.

Taxable Entities

Field Description
Range Type

From the drop-down list, select the type of taxable entity range to be included in the processing. You can select one taxable entity for processing or you can run the process for all Taxable Entity IDs within the Login Company.

The screen process will include Employees linked to the specified taxable entity.

Valid options are:

  • All: Select this option to include all taxable entities in the process.
  • One: Select this option to include only one taxable entity in the process. Enter the taxable entity in the Start field.
  • Range: Select this option to include a range of taxable entities in the process. The range begins with the taxable entity entered in the Start field and ends with the taxable entity entered in the End field.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include the first taxable entity up to the taxable entity entered in the End field.
  • To End: Select this option to include the taxable entity entered in the Start field up to the last taxable entity.

If you selected One, Range, or To End as the taxable entity Range Type, enter, or click to select, the starting taxable entity for the range you want to include in the process. The screen will generate 1095-C data for employees linked to taxable entities within the taxable entity range.


If you selected Range or From Beginning as the taxable entity Range Type, enter, or click to select, the ending taxable entity for the range you want to include in the process. The screen will generate 1095-C data for employees linked to taxable entities within the taxable entity range.

Taxable Entity Non-Contiguous Range

Select this check box to select a non-contiguous range for Taxable Entity selection. Use the Taxable Entity Non-Contiguous Range subtask to select the range of items that you would like to include in the processing.

Calendar Year

Field Description
Range Type

This field always displays the value One.


Enter the 4-digit calendar year for which 1095-C data will be generated.


1095-C Type

Field Description

Select this option to print Regular type 1095-C data.


Select this option to print Correcting type 1095-C data.


Select this option to print Void type 1095-C data.

1095-C Page

Use the options to select which page of the 1095-C you are printing.

Note: You must run the application with Page 1 option selected and then you must run the application again with Page 2 option selected. Once printed, you will need to match the Page 2 up with the appropriate 1095-C Page 1 before submitting to the IRS or providing to employees.
Field Description
With Covered Individuals
Select this option if you are printing employees with information in Part III, Covered Individuals.
Note: You must run the application with Page 1 option selected and then you must run the application again with Page 2 option selected. Once printed, you will need to match the Page 2 with the appropriate 1095-C Page 1 before you submit/provide the 1095-C to the IRS or to employees.
When you select the With Covered Individuals option, you will enable the following options:
  • Page 1: Select this option if you are printing the first page of the 1095-C, which provides employer and employee information on the front and instructions on the back.
  • Page 2: Select this option if you are printing the second page of the 1095-C, which provides information in Part III, Covered Individuals.
Without Covered Individuals (Page 1 only) Select this option if you are printing employees with no information in Part III, Covered Individuals.
Print Test Pattern

Select this check box to print a test pattern of the report.

Truncate Payee Identification numbers (Employer and Employees)

Select this check box if the Employer Identification Number (EIN) should be truncated on the printed 1095-C.

Final regulations regarding an IRS truncated taxpayer identification number

The IRS issued final regulations (Internal Revenue Bulletin 2014-31) on July 15, 2014 that allow you to truncate payee identification numbers on statements. The goal of these regulations is to reduce the risk of identity theft that may stem from including a taxpayer’s entire identifying number on a payee statement.

The regulations allow you to replace the first five digits of the nine digit number with asterisks (*) or X’s for the following:

  • Payee’s social security number (SSN)
  • Individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN)
  • Employer identification number (EIN)
  • Adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN) on most payee statements

A payee is any person who is required to receive a copy of the information set forth on an information return by the filer of the return. For some forms, the term payee will refer to beneficiary, borrower, debtor, insured, participant, payer, policyholder, recipient, shareholder, student, or transferor.

You can truncate a payee's identification number on the statements (including substitute and composite substitute statements) you give to them in paper or electronic format (usually designated Copy B). This includes the Form 1098 series (except Form 1098-C), Form 1099 series, Form 5498 series and Form 1095-C.

If you truncate an identification number on Copy B, the other copies you give the payee should also include the truncated number.

Report Options

Field Description
1st Sort

This field displays the selection type  in the Selection Ranges group box by default. This is the report's primary sort order .From this drop-down list, select the basis for the primary sorting of the printed 1095-Cs. Valid options are:

  • Taxable Entity: Select this option to sort 1095-Cs by Taxable Entity ID. If you select this option, you have following options in the 2nd Sort drop-down list:
    • Employee Name
    • Employee ID
    • None.
  • Employee Name: Select this option to sort 1095-Cs by employee name. If you select this option, you will have no options in the 2nd Sort drop-down list.
  • Employee ID: Select this option to sort 1095-Cs by employee ID. If you select this option, you will have no options in the 2nd Sort drop-down list.
  • Social Security Number: Select this option to sort 1095-Cs by Social Security Number. If you select this option, options in the 2nd Sort drop-down list.
  • Home Organization: Select this option to sort 1095-Cs by employee home organization assigned to the employees in Manage Employee Salary Information screen. If you select this option, you have the following options in the 2nd Sort drop-down list:
    • Employee Name
    • Employee ID
    • None
  • Mailing Address State: Select this option to sort 1095-Cs by employee mailing address state. The State/Province field must be populated in the Manage Employee Information screen to sort by this option. 1095-Cs for employees without mailing address state codes will be printed first. If you select this option, you have the following options in the 2nd Sort drop-down list.
    • Employee Name
    • Employee ID
    • None
  • Mailing Address Postal Code: Select this option to sort 1095-Cs by employee mailing address postal code. The Postal Code field must be populated in the Manage Employee Information screen to sort by this option. 1095-Cs for employees without mailing address postal codes will be printed first. If you select this option, you have the following options in the 2nd Sort drop-down list.
    • Employee Name
    • Employee ID
    • None
  • Locator Code: Select this option to sort 1095-Cs by employee Locator Code. The Locator Code field must be populated in the Manage Employee Information screen to sort by this option. 1095-Cs for employees without locator codes will be printed first. If you select this option, you have the following options in the 2nd Sort drop-down list.
    • Employee Name
    • Employee ID
    • None
2nd Sort

From this drop-down list, select the option to determine the secondary order in which your 1095-Cs print. The available options in this field depend on your selection on the 1st Sort field. Valid options are:

  • Employee Name: Select this option to sort by employee name.
  • Employee ID: Select this option to sort by employee ID.
  • None: If there is no secondary sort, this option displays in this field. This occurs if you select Employee Name, Employee ID, or Social Security Number in the 1st Sort drop-down list.


Field Description
Portrait (Employer/Employee Copy)

Select this option to print the report in portrait mode. Use this when printing 1095-C reports that will be provided to employees.

Landscape (IRS Copy)

Select this check box to print the report in landscape mode. Form 1095-C that will be submitted to the IRS needs to be in landscape orientation.


Subtask Description
Employee Name Non-Contiguous Ranges Select this link to enter employee name ranges that will be included in the processing.
Employee Non-Contiguous Ranges Select this link to enter employee ranges that will be included in the processing.
Social Security Number Non-Contiguous Ranges Select this link to enter Social Security Number ranges that will be included in the processing.
Organization Non-Contiguous Ranges Select this link to enter organization ranges that will be included in the processing.
Mailing Address State Non-Contiguous Ranges Select this link to enter mailing address state ranges that will be included in the processing.
Mailing Address Postal Code Non-Contiguous Ranges Select this link to enter postal code ranges that will be included in the processing.
Locator Code Non-Contiguous Ranges Select this link to enter locator ranges that will be included in the processing.
Taxable Entity Non-Contiguous Ranges Select this link to enter taxable entity ranges that will be included in the processing.