Leave Table Details Subtask

Use this subtask to set up leave information for the leave code on the Manage Leave Codes screen.

After you enter all leave code information, save the leave code record. Costpoint sorts the entries by the Months of Service field. At least one row of information is required. You can use as many rows as necessary.

Leave Table Details

Field Description
Months of Service

Enter the number of months of completed service required to be eligible for this line. This column determines which line of the table is applicable to an employee. After an employee completes the designated months of service, the employee's leave accrual rate changes beginning with the leave period that contains the employee's anniversary date (the anniversary date calculation depends upon which selection you made in the Months of Service Calculation group box on the Configure Leave Settings screen—Leave Period Start Date or Leave Period End Date). For example, if you enter 012 in this field, the employee accrues the leave rate after completing 12 months of service. The table below shows the possible period when the new accrual rate takes effect.

Hire Date Method One Year Leave Period Effective Period
02/01/94 Start 02/01/95 02/01/95 – 02/14/95 02/01/95 – 02/14/95
02/02/94 Start 02/02/95 02/01/95 – 02/14/95 02/15/95 – 02/28/95

Notice, in the example, that if the months-of-completed-service anniversary date coincides exactly with the pay period start date, the employee receives the new accrual rate. However, if the anniversary date is after the start date, the new rate does not become effective until the next pay period.

Note: Costpoint uses calendar months when determining time periods that are fractions of a year (for example, 1/31/00 to 2/28/00 = 1 month, as does 01/28/00 to 02/28/00, 02/28/00 to 03/31/00 = 1 month, and so on). This does not apply to the deferral of leave because days, rather than months, are entered in the Days to Defer Leave Usage field.

When you select Leave Period Start Date in the Months of Service Calculation group box on the Configure Leave Settings screen, the start dates for semi-monthly payroll periods are the 1st and the 16th of the month.

Compute Method

For all compute methods, the Accrual Rate will be based on the number of months of service since the employee's Leave Hire Date assigned to the employee and leave type on the Manage Employee Leave screen (The employee's Current Hire Date from Manage Employee Information screen will be used if no Leave Hire Date was specified). The Months of Service Calculation method from Configure Leave Settings screen will be used to determine whether the employee's months of service will be based on the first day of the open leave period or the last day of the open leave period. For example, if the Months of Service Calculation method is Leave Period Start Date, the employee's hire date was 12/18/2020 and the open leave period is 12/16/2021 - 12/31/2021, the employee would have 11 months of service since he had achieved 11 months of service as of the leave period start date. On the other hand, if the if the Months of Service Calculation method is Leave Period End Date with the same employee and leave period setup, the employee would have 12 months of service since he had achieved 12 months of service as of the leave period end date.

From the drop-down list, select one of the following methods to calculate leave accruals:

  • H-Hours Worked: This method calculates the leave accrued by multiplying the employee's hours worked in the leave period multiplied by the Accrual Rate. Hours worked comes from labor-unposted and labor-posted timesheets where the timesheet header date is within the open leave period. Both regular and overtime hours are automatically included when determining the accrual, but the number of regular hours used to calculated the accrual cannot exceed the number of Max Regular Hours assigned to the employee's leave cycle on the Manage Leave Periods screen. You may also set up a Leave Modifier to exclude overtime hours for all employees or just for salaried employees. The Leave Modifier can also be used to exclude hours for specific pay types.

    For example, if you do not want PTO hours used as a basis for accrual calculations, you can set up the Leave Modifier to exclude those hours. If only hours worked at certain labor locations should be included in the hours used to determine the accrual, then use the Eligible Labor Locations subtask on the Manage Leave Codes screen to indicate the eligible labor locations. Only hours for eligible pay types from timesheet lines with eligible labor locations will be used to determine the accrual. You may enter multiple rows if the accrual rate should vary based on the months of service.

    Table 1. Example
    Months of Service Compute Method Accrual Rate
    0 H-Hours Worked 1.0000
    36 H-Hours Worked 2.0000
    60 H-Hours Worked 3.0000
    With this setup:
    • Employees that have under 36 months of service will get 1.00 hour of accrual for each eligible hour that they work.
    • Employees that have from 36 through 59 months of service will get 2.00 hours of accrual for each eligible hour they work.
    • Employees that have 60 or more months of service will get 3.00 hours of accrual for each eligible hour they work.
  • P-Leave Period: With this method, the employee will receive the hours specified in the Accrual Rate column every leave period. You may enter multiple rows if the accrual rate should vary based on the months of service.
    Table 2. Example
    Months of Service Compute Method Accrual Rate
    0 P-Leave Period 3.0000
    36 P-Leave Period 4.0000
    60 P-Leave Period 6.0000
    With this setup:
    • Employees that have under 36 months of service will receive 3.00 hours of leave each leave period.
    • Employees that have from 36 through 59 months of service will receive 4.00 hours of leave each leave period.
    • Employees that have 60 or more months of service will receive 6.00 hours of leave each leave period.
  • A-Annually on Hire Date: This is a block grant type of leave accrual, which repeats annually on the employee's leave anniversary date. The employee will receive the block grant accrual if their anniversary date falls within the leave period being computed. The anniversary date will be based on the employee's leave hire date or hire date if the Leave Hire Date on the Manage Employee Leave screen is blank. You may enter multiple rows if the accrual rate should vary based on the months of service.
    Table 3. Example
    Months of Service Compute Method Accrual Rate
    0 A-Annually on Hire Date 40.0000
    36 A-Annually on Hire Date 50.0000
    60 A-Annually on Hire Date 60.0000
    With this setup:
    • Employees that have under 36 months of service will get 40.00 hours of accrual in the leave period in which their leave anniversary date falls.
    • Employees that have from 36 through 59 months of service will get 50.00 hours of accrual in the leave period in which their leave anniversary date falls.
    • Employees that have 60 or more months of service will get 60.00 hours of accrual in the leave period in which their leave anniversary date falls.
  • B-Block Grant Based on Months of Service : This is a block grant leave accrual, which employees receive when they achieve the specified months of service in the leave period being computed. You may enter multiple rows if the accrual rate should vary based on the months of service.
    Table 4. Example
    Months of Service Compute Method Accrual Rate
    12 B-Block Grant Based on Months of Service 40.0000
    36 B-Block Grant Based on Months of Service 80.0000
    With this setup:
    • Employees that achieve 12 months of service in the leave period being computed will receive 40.00 hours of leave.
    • Employees that achieve 36 months of service in the leave period being computed will receive 80.00 hours of leave.
  • C-Annually on Block Grant MM/DD: This is a block grant type of leave accrual, which repeats annually on the month and day specified in the Annual (C) Block Grant MM/DD field. You can enter multiple rows if the accrual rate should vary based on the employee's months of service and/or the block grant month and day.
    Table 5. Example
    Months of Service Compute Method Annual (C) Block Grant Date Accrual Rate
    0 C-Annually on Block Grant MM/DD 03/31 20.000
    36 C-Annually on Block Grant MM/DD 03/31 40.0000
    72 C-Annually on Block Grant MM/DD 03/31 64.0000
    With this setup:
    • Employees that have under 36 months of service will receive 20.00 hours of leave in the leave period that includes the month and day of 03/31.
    • Employees that have between 36 and 71 months of service will receive 40.00 hours of leave in the leave period that includes the month and day of 03/31.
    • Employees that have between 72 or more months of service will receive 64.00 hours of leave in the leave period that includes the month and day of 03/31.
  • D-One-Time on Block Grant Date: This is a block grant type of leave accrual, which occurs on the day specified in the One-Time (D) Block Grant Date field. You can enter multiple rows if the accrual rate should vary based on the employee's months of service.
    For example, if your company wants to give all employees extra PTO on 06/30/2021, but employees with 0 to 35 months of service will get one day, whereas employees with 36 or more months of service will receive two days, you would set it up as follows:
    Table 6. Example
    Months of Service Compute Method One-Time (D) Block Grant Date Accrual Rate
    0 D-One Time on Block Grant Date 06/30/2021 8.0000
    36 D-One Time on Block Grant Date 06/30/2021 16.0000
  • E-Annually on Hire Date (Posted Hours): When Costpoint computes leave, if the employee's anniversary month/day falls within the leave period being computed and the leave type assigned to the employee has this compute method, Costpoint multiplies the employee's total hours worked within the past anniversary year by the accrual rate to determine the leave period accrual. Like the H-Hours Worked method, the hours-worked basis for the E-Annually on Hire Date compute method can be configured based on the Leave Modifier and the labor locations in which the work was performed. Both regular and overtime hours are automatically included when determining the accrual, but the number of regular hours used to calculated the accrual cannot exceed the number of Max Regular Hours assigned to the employee's leave cycle on the Manage Leave Periods screen. You may also set up a Leave Modifier to exclude overtime hours for all employees or just for salaried employees. The Leave Modifier can also be used to exclude hours for specific pay types.
    For example, if you do not want PTO hours used as a basis for accrual calculations, you can set up the Leave Modifier to exclude those hours. If only hours worked at certain labor locations should be included in the hours used to determine the accrual, then use the Eligible Labor Locations subtask on the Manage Leave Codes screen to indicate the eligible labor locations. Only hours for eligible pay types from timesheet lines with eligible labor locations will be used to determine the accrual. You can enter multiple rows if the accrual rate should vary depending on the employees' months of service.
    Table 7. Example
    Months of Service Compute Method Accrual Rate
    0 E-Annually on Hire Date (Posted Hours) 0.2500
    36 E-Annually on Hire Date (Posted Hours) 0.5000
    60 E-Annually on Hire Date (Posted Hours) 0.7500
    With this setup:
    • In the leave period which includes their anniversary date, employees that have under 36 months of service will get 0.25 hours of accrual for each eligible hour worked in the prior year.
    • In the leave period which includes their anniversary date, employees that have from 36 through 59 months of service will get 0.50 hours of accrual for each eligible hour worked in the prior year.
    • In the leave period which includes their anniversary date, employees that have 60 or more months of service will get 0.75 hours of accrual for each eligible hour worked in the prior year.
  • M-Monthly Block Grant: Select this method if the hours specified in the Accrual Rate field should be accrued on a monthly basis. If the Monthly Block-Grant Option is First day of month on the Configure Leave Settings screen and the first day of the month falls within the leave period being computed, the employee will receive the hours specified in the Accrual Rate field. If the Monthly Block-Grant Option is Last day of month on the Configure Leave Settings screen and the last day of the month falls within the leave period being computed, the employee will receive the hours specified in the Accrual Rate field. You may enter multiple rows if the accrual rate should vary based on the employees' months of service.
    Table 8. Example
    Months of Service Compute Method Accrual Rate
    0 M-Monthly Block Grant 3.0000
    36 M-Monthly Block Grant 4.0000
    40 M-Monthly Block Grant 6.0000
    With this setup:
    • Employees that have under 36 months of service will receive 3.00 hours of leave each month.
    • Employees that have from 36 through 59 months of service will receive 4.00 hours of leave each month
    • Employees that have 40 or more months of service will receive 6.00 hours of leave each month
  • F-Block Grant on Paid Family Leave Accrual Date: If the specified leave type's Use for Paid Family Leave check box is selected on the Manage Leave Types screen, this compute method is the only one that can be specified in the Leave Details table. If you select this method, you must specify a Paid Family Leave accrual date for any employee to which the leave code is assigned on the Manage Employee Leave screen. If the leave code has this method, the employee will receive the accrual rate in the leave period in which the Paid Family Leave accrual date falls.
  • U-Units of Hours Worked: This method calculates the leave accrual based on the number of hours worked by the employee in the leave period being computed plus any excess hours from prior periods. Compute Leave will base the accrual on full units of hours.
    For example, if the leave code is set up to give the employee 1 hour of leave for every 30 hours worked and the employee works 40 hours in the leave period, the employee would receive an accrual of 1.00 hour for working a full 30 hours in the leave period. The extra 10 hours would not be used because it's not enough for the full 30 unit hours and those 10 hours would be rolled over to the next leave period. You may enter multiple records if the unit of hours or accrual rate should vary based on the months of service.
    Months of Service Compute Method Unit of Hours Accrual Rate
    0 U-Units of Hours Worked 30 1.0000
    12 U-Units of Hours Worked 20 2.0000
    36 U-Units of Hours Worked 10 3.0000
    With this setup:
    • Employees that have under 12 months of service will receive 1.00 hour of leave for every 30 hours worked.
    • Employees that have from 13 through 35 months of service will receive 2.00 hours of leave for every 20 hours worked.
    • Employees that have 36 or more months of service will receive 3.00 hours of leave for every 10 hours worked
Note: Do not mix methods P and H within the same leave code. However, you can mix block grants A through D with method P or H.
Unit of Hours

Enter the amount of the employee's hours worked as the basis of the accrual. You can only use this field when you select U (Unit of Hours) as the compute method.

Annual (C) Block Grant  Date

Enter the reference date when a block of leave is to be distributed to all employees covered under this subtype schedule. This column is for compute method C (MM/DD).

One-Time (D) Block Grant Date

Enter the reference date on which a block of leave is to be distributed to all employees covered under this subtype schedule. This column is for Compute Method D (MM/DD/YYYY).

Accrual Rate

Enter the rate or amount, in hours, at which an employee accrues leave, based on the Compute Method selected. If you select H in the Compute Method column, Costpoint multiplies the rate entered here by the timesheet regular hours or the Maximum Reg Hours Worked Basis field value (on the Leave Periods screen), whichever is less, to arrive at the leave period accrual rate. For example, if leave is accrued weekly and the maximum amount that can be accrued per leave period is 1.54, enter .0385 in this field. The employee accrues .0385 hours of leave for each regular hour worked, up to the maximum of 1.54 hours (.0385 * 40 Maximum Reg Hours Worked). Any hours over the 40 standard leave hours are not used in the leave accrual calculation. If the Compute Method is P, the amount entered here is the accrual rate per leave period.

State the rate or amount in hours, even if you are tracking by monetary amount.

Balance Ceilings

Field Description
Period Balance Ceiling

If the leave type you selected on this screen is tracked by hours, enter the maximum number of unused leave hours an employee may either carry over to the next leave period or have before the accrual is calculated for the leave period. If the leave type you selected is tracked by amount, enter the maximum amount of unused leave an employee may either carry over to the next leave period or have before the accrual is calculated for the leave period.

If the leave type you selected on this screen has a Ceiling Timing of After Accrual, the Compute Leave Accruals process will apply the period balance ceiling to the sum of the employee's unused leave balance plus the period's accrual. This ensures that the employee will not carry leave more than the Period Balance Ceiling from leave period to leave period. The unused balance may never exceed the specified period balance ceiling.

If the leave type you selected on this screen has a Ceiling Timing of Before Accrual, the period balance ceiling is applied to the employee's unused balance before the period accrual is determined. The field is used to specify the maximum amount of unused leave an employee can either carry over from leave period to leave period. The unused balance may never exceed the specified period balance ceiling.

This field will be editable if you set the Balance Ceiling Method to Period and Year on the Leave Types screen and the Compute Method is one of the following:

  • H-Hours Worked
  • P-Leave Period
  • A-Annually on Hire Date
  • C-Annually on Block Grant Date
  • M-Monthly Block Grant
  • E-Annually on Hire Date (Posted Hours)
  • U-Units of Hours Worked

If using a combination of different methods for the same leave code, the Compute Leave Accruals screen will combine the period balance ceilings for those methods to determine the total period balance ceiling for the affected employee. If the leave type's Ceiling Timing is Before Accrual in the Manage Leave Types screen, then the Total Period Balance Ceiling will be applied to the employee's unused leave balance prior to calculating the accrual for the period. If the Leave Type's Ceiling Timing is After Accrual in the Manage Leave Types screen, then the Total Period Balance Ceiling will be applied to the sum of the employee's unused leave balance plus the accrual for the period.

Period Balance Ceiling amounts assigned to methods B-One-Time on Hire Date and D-One-Time on Block Grant Date are not included in the total period balance ceiling.

If you set the Balance Ceiling Method to Period and Year on the Leave Types screen, the Year Balance Ceiling must not exceed the Period Balance Ceiling.

Year Balance Ceiling

This field is used to specify the maximum amount of unused leave an employee can either carry over to the next leave year or to the next anniversary year, depending on the leave type's Year Option from the Manage Leave Types screen.

This field will be editable if you set the Balance Ceiling Method to Period and Year or Year on the Manage Leave Types screen. If you are tracking by hours, enter the maximum number of unused leave hours an employee may carry over into the next year. If you are tracking by monetary amount, enter the maximum amount an employee may carry over into the next year.

If you set the Balance Ceiling Method to Period and Year on the Manage Leave Types screen, the Year Balance Ceiling must not exceed the Period Balance Ceiling.

The Year Balance Ceiling only applies if the leave type has a Balance Ceiling Method of Period and Year or Year on the Manage Leave Types screen.

Costpoint adds all ceilings entered for those methods to determine the total year balance ceiling for the affected employee. Therefore, please ensure the sum of Year Balance Ceiling values for those compute methods does not exceed your intended year ceiling. It might be best to enter 0.00 (zero) if you already specified a Year Balance Ceiling for a method P or H.

If you set the Balance Ceiling Method to Period and Year or Year on the Manage Leave Types screen and the Year Option to Leave Year, the Close Leave Year process will use this amount to limit the unused leave balance an employee can carry over into the next leave year.

If you set the Balance Ceiling Method to Period and Year or Year on the Leave Types screen and the Year Option to Anniversary, the Compute Leave Accruals process will use this amount to limit the unused leave balance an employee can carry over from one anniversary year to the next.

The employee's anniversary date is based on the employee's Leave Hire Date if the Basis for Leave Deferral is Leave Hire Date and the employee has a Leave Hire Date in the Manage Employee Leave screen. Otherwise the employee's Current Hire Date from the Manage Employee Information screen will be used as the basis for the anniversary date.

Accrual Ceilings

Field Description
Period Accrual Ceiling

If the leave type is tracked by hours, enter the maximum hours of leave an employee may accrue during a leave period. If the leave type is tracked by amount, enter the maximum amount of leave an employee may accrue during a leave period.

Some union contracts put a ceiling on the number of hours that can be accrued within a given period. If the leave type you selected on this screen has an Accrual Ceiling Method of Period and Year on the Manage Leave Type screen, then this field will be enabled and required.

Use this field to specify the period accrual limit or leave as 999,999,999,999,999.00 (or 999,999,999,999.00 for Costpoint 7.0.1) if you do not want to impose a limit on the number of hours (or amount if leave type is tracked by amount) an employee may accrue within a given leave period. If a limit is entered, then Costpoint’s Compute Leave application will limit the accrual allowed for an employee within the open leave period.

The Compute Leave Accruals application will only apply the period accrual ceiling if the Leave Table Details includes at least one of the following Compute Method options:

  • H-Hours Worked
  • E-Annually on Hire Date (Posted Hours)
  • U-Units of Hours Worked
Year Accrual Ceiling

According to Executive Order 13706, a contractor may limit an employee's paid sick leave accrual each year to 56 hours. If the leave type you selected on this screen has an Accrual Ceiling Method of Period and Year or Year on the Manage Leave Type screen, then this field will be enabled and required.

Use this field to specify the annual accrual limit or leave as 999,999,999,999,999.99 00 if you do not want to impose a limit on the yearly accrual. If a limit is entered, then Costpoint's Compute Leave application will limit the accrual allowed for an employee within a given leave year.

Note: This ceiling will not be applied in the Close Leave Year application.