Make Changes to Dashpart Parameters

You can view or make changes to the parameters used on the dashparts of the Organization Manager Dashboard.

In the dashpart table windows, enter the desired value in the field (parameter) you want to modify, and click .

Note: Do not click Ok in the table window if you want to save your changes. Doing so closes the table window and also removes the dashpart on the Reports tab.

AR Over 30 Days

Use this table window to view and/or modify the parameters used for the AR Over 30 Days dashpart.

Field Description
Parameter ID This field displays your user ID by default, but you can modify it especially when you have multiple parameter settings for this dashpart. When adding a new line, ensure that this field has a unique ID to differentiate it from the previous line(s). This field allows up to 15 alphanumeric characters. If your user ID has more than 15 characters, this field displays the first 15 characters by default.
Parameter Description This field displays Default parameters by default, but you can modify it especially when you have multiple parameter settings for this dashpart. It is recommended that you enter a description that best describes the parameter.
Aging date adjustment days

This field displays the aging date adjustment days and defaults to 0. Leave the default value for an accurate view of the AR Over 30 Days dashpart based on today's date. If you modify this field, Costpoint moves the aging date based on the value you enter by adding or subtracting the number of days from the current date. For example, if the invoice due date is 10/10/2016 and you enter -60 in this field, Costpoint adjusts the date to 8/11/2016, and the invoice will fall in a different aging bucket on the AR Over 30 Days dashpart.

You can use this parameter if you are testing on static data.

Note: It is recommended that you leave this field to 0. If you need to edit this field, enter values between -9,999 and 9,999 to avoid getting an error.
Maximum number of Projects to display This field displays 25 by default, but you can modify it. Use this field to limit the number of projects that display on the dashpart based on the highest AR balances. For example, if you enter 15 here, only the top 15 projects with the highest AR balance amount will be displayed on the dashpart. Adding too many projects to the chart can make it difficult to read.
Minimum amount to display This field displays 1,000 by default, but you can modify it. Use this field to limit the number of projects that display on the dashpart to projects with at least "x" AR balance amount. For example, if you enter 2,000 here, only projects with at least $2,000 AR balance amount will be displayed on the dashpart.

AR Current

Use this table window to view and/or modify the parameters used for the AR Current dashpart.

Field Description
Parameter ID This field displays your user ID by default, but you can modify it especially when you have multiple parameter settings for this dashpart. When adding a new line, ensure that this field has a unique ID to differentiate it from the previous line(s). This field allows up to 15 alphanumeric characters. If your user ID has more than 15 characters, this field displays the first 15 characters by default.
Parameter Description This field displays Default parameters by default, but you can modify it especially when you have multiple parameter settings for this dashpart. It is recommended that you enter a description that best describes the parameter.
Aging date adjustment days

This field displays the aging date adjustment days and defaults to 0. Leave the default value for an accurate view of the AR Current dashpart based on today's date. If you modify this field, Costpoint moves the aging date based on the value you enter by adding or subtracting the number of days from the current date, and the invoice may no longer fall on the current (0-30 days) aging range.

You can use this parameter if you are testing on static data.

Note: It is recommended that you leave this field to 0. If you need to edit this field, enter values between -9,999 and 9,999 to avoid getting an error.
Maximum number of Projects to display This field displays 25 by default, but you can modify it. Use this field to limit the number of projects that display on the dashpart based on the highest AR balances. For example, if you enter 15 here, only the top 15 projects with the highest AR balance amount will be displayed on the dashpart. Adding too many projects to the chart can make it difficult to read.
Minimum amount to display This field displays 1,000 by default, but you can modify it. Use this field to limit the number of projects that display on the dashpart to projects with at least "x" AR balance amount. For example, if you enter 2,000 here, only projects with at least $2,000 AR balance amount will be displayed on the dashpart.

Open Billing Over 30 Days

Use this table window to view and/or modify the parameters used for the Open Billing Over 30 Days dashpart.

Field Description
Parameter ID This field displays your user ID by default, but you can modify it especially when you have multiple parameter settings for this dashpart. When adding a new line, ensure that this field has a unique ID to differentiate it from the previous line(s). This field allows up to 15 alphanumeric characters. If your user ID has more than 15 characters, this field displays the first 15 characters by default.
Parameter Description This field displays Default parameters by default, but you can modify it especially when you have multiple parameter settings for this dashpart. It is recommended that you enter a description that best describes the parameter.
Aging date adjustment days

This field displays the aging date adjustment days and defaults to 0. Leave the default value for an accurate view of the Open Billing Over 30 Days dashpart based on today's date. If you modify this field, Costpoint moves the aging date based on the value you enter by adding or subtracting the number of days from the current date. For example, if the subperiod ending date is 10/10/2015 and you enter 365 in this field, Costpoint adjusts the date to 10/10/2016, and the transaction will fall in a different aging bucket on the Open Billing Over 30 Days dashpart.

You can use this parameter if you are testing on static data.

Note: It is recommended that you leave this field to 0. If you need to edit this field, enter values between -9,999 and 9,999 to avoid getting an error.
Maximum number of Projects to display This field displays 25 by default, but you can modify it. Use this field to limit the number of projects that display on the dashpart based on the highest open billing detail amount. For example, if you enter 15 here, only the top 15 projects with the highest open billing detail amount will be displayed on the dashpart. Adding too many projects to the chart can make it difficult to read.
Minimum amount to display This field displays 1,000 by default, but you can modify it. Use this field to limit the number of projects that display on the dashpart to projects with at least "x" open billing detail amount. For example, if you enter 2,000 here, only projects with at least $2,000 open billing detail amount will be displayed on the dashpart.

Current Open Billing

Use this table window to view and/or modify the parameters used for the Current Open Billing dashpart.

Field Description
Parameter ID This field displays your user ID by default, but you can modify it especially when you have multiple parameter settings for this dashpart. When adding a new line, ensure that this field has a unique ID to differentiate it from the previous line(s). This field allows up to 15 alphanumeric characters. If your user ID has more than 15 characters, this field displays the first 15 characters by default.
Parameter Description This field displays Default parameters by default, but you can modify it especially when you have multiple parameter settings for this dashpart. It is recommended that you enter a description that best describes the parameter.
Aging date adjustment days

This field displays the aging date adjustment days and defaults to 0. Leave the default value for an accurate view of the Current Open Billing dashpart based on today's date. If you modify this field, Costpoint moves the aging date based on the value you enter by adding or subtracting the number of days from the current date, and the transaction may no longer fall on the current (0-30 days) aging range.

You can use this parameter if you are testing on static data.

Note: It is recommended that you leave this field to 0. If you need to edit this field, enter values between -9,999 and 9,999 to avoid getting an error.
Maximum number of Projects to display This field displays 25 by default, but you can modify it. Use this field to limit the number of projects that display on the dashpart based on the highest open billing detail amount. For example, if you enter 15 here, only the top 15 projects with the highest open billing detail amount will be displayed on the dashpart. Adding too many projects to the chart can make it difficult to read.
Minimum amount to display This field displays 1,000 by default, but you can modify it. Use this field to limit the number of projects that display on the dashpart to projects with at least "x" open billing detail amount. For example, if you enter 2,000 here, only projects with at least $2,000 open billing detail amount will be displayed on the dashpart.

Projects Over x% Funding

Use this table window to view and/or modify the parameters used for the Projects Over x% Funding dashpart.

Field Description
Parameter ID This field displays your user ID by default, but you can modify it especially when you have multiple parameter settings for this dashpart. When adding a new line, ensure that this field has a unique ID to differentiate it from the previous line(s). This field allows up to 15 alphanumeric characters. If your user ID has more than 15 characters, this field displays the first 15 characters by default.
Parameter Description This field displays Default parameters by default, but you can modify it especially when you have multiple parameter settings for this dashpart. It is recommended that you enter a description that best describes the parameter.
Rate Type This field displays the rate type and defaults to Target. Select Actual from the drop-down list to display actual revenue amounts on the dashpart.
Approaching funding %

This field displays the percentage by which revenue amount is approaching the funded amount. This defaults to 80%, but you can select a different percentage from the drop-down list. Valid values are from 40% to 95%, in increments of 5%.

The value you select on this field displays on the dashpart title on the Reports tab (for example, when you select 50%, the title displays Projects Over 50% Funding).

Maximum number of Projects to display This field displays 10 by default, but you can modify it. Use this field to limit the number of projects that display on the dashpart to the top "x" projects that meet the Approaching funding % value. For example, if you enter 5 here, only the top five projects with revenue approaching the specified funding percentage will be displayed on the dashpart. Adding too many projects to the chart can make it difficult to read.
Minimum amount to display This field displays 1,000 by default, but you can modify it. Use this field to limit the number of projects that display on the dashpart to those projects with at least "x" funded amount. For example, if you enter 2,000 here, only projects with at least $2,000 funded amount and meet the Approaching funding % value will be displayed on the dashpart.

My Links

Use this table window to view and/or modify the parameters used for the My Links dashpart.

Field Description
Parameter ID This field displays your user ID by default, but you can modify it. This field allows up to 15 alphanumeric characters. If your user ID has more than 15 characters, this field displays the first 15 characters by default.
Parameter Description This field displays Default parameters by default, but you can modify it.
Sort By

Select how Costpoint displays the links on the dashpart. Valid options are:

  • Menu Seq No: Select this option to display the My Menu applications based on the sequence specified on the Configure User Preferences screen.

  • Menu Title: This option is selected by default. Keep it selected to display the My Menu applications based on the menu title specified on the Configure User Preferences screen.

Indirect Expenses

Use this table window to view and/or modify the parameters used for the Indirect Expenses dashpart.

Field Description
Parameter ID This field displays your user ID by default, but you can modify it especially when you have multiple parameter settings for this dashpart. When adding a new line, ensure that this field has a unique ID to differentiate it from the previous line(s). This field allows up to 15 alphanumeric characters. If your user ID has more than 15 characters, this field displays the first 15 characters by default.
Parameter Description This field displays Default parameters by default, but you can modify it especially when you have multiple parameter settings for this dashpart. It is recommended that you enter a description that best describes the parameter.
Period Type Select Current or Prior from the drop-down list to view indirect expenses in the current or prior period. Current is selected by default.
Budget Type Select Budget or Outlook from the drop-down list to view indirect expenses based on budget or outlook. Budget is selected by default.

Labor Utilization

Use this table window to view and/or modify the parameters used for the Labor Utilization dashpart.

Field Description
Parameter ID This field displays your user ID by default, but you can modify it especially when you have multiple parameter settings for this dashpart. When adding a new line, ensure that this field has a unique ID to differentiate it from the previous line(s). This field allows up to 15 alphanumeric characters. If your user ID has more than 15 characters, this field displays the first 15 characters by default.
Parameter Description This field displays Default parameters by default, but you can modify it especially when you have multiple parameter settings for this dashpart. It is recommended that you enter a description that best describes the parameter.
Variance greater than

Use this drop-down list to limit employees that display on the dashpart to employees with utilization variance greater than a certain value. For example, if you select -10%, the dashpart displays only those employees with a variance of budgeted utilization % versus actual utilization % of -10% and more.

Valid values are -5%, -10%, -15%, -20%, -25%, -30%, and -35%.

Source Type Select Cost or Hours from the drop-down list to view utilization based on cost or hours. Hours is selected by default.
Period Type Select Current or Prior from the drop-down list to view labor utilization in the current or prior period. Current is selected by default.

Timesheet Status

Use this table window to view and/or modify the parameters used for the Timesheet Status dashpart.

Field Description
Parameter ID This field displays your user ID by default, but you can modify it especially when you have multiple parameter settings for this dashpart. When adding a new line, ensure that this field has a unique ID to differentiate it from the previous line(s). This field allows up to 15 alphanumeric characters. If your user ID has more than 15 characters, this field displays the first 15 characters by default.
Parameter Description This field displays Default parameters by default, but you can modify it especially when you have multiple parameter settings for this dashpart. It is recommended that you enter a description that best describes the parameter.
Adjust Current Date by x Days

This field displays the current date adjustment days and defaults to 0. If you modify this field, Costpoint moves the date based on the value you enter by adding or subtracting the number of days from the current date. For example, if the current date is 3/30/2017 and you enter 30 in this field, Costpoint adjusts the current date to 2/28/2017. Costpoint then displays the timesheet statuses of the employees for the current or prior period in 2/28/2017, depending on what you select in Period Type.

If you enter a negative value in this field, Costpoint adjusts the current date by adding the number of days to the current date.

You can use this parameter if you are testing on static data.

Note: It is recommended that you leave this field to 0. If you need to edit this field, enter values between -9,999 and 9,999 to avoid getting an error.
Period Type Select Current or Prior from the drop-down list to view timesheet statuses in the current or prior period based on today's date or the current date as adjusted using the Adjust Current Date by x Days field.

Project Modifications

Use this table window to view and/or modify the parameters used for the Project Modifications dashpart.

Field Description
Parameter ID This field displays your user ID by default, but you can modify it especially when you have multiple parameter settings for this dashpart. When adding a new line, ensure that this field has a unique ID to differentiate it from the previous line(s). This field allows up to 15 alphanumeric characters. If your user ID has more than 15 characters, this field displays the first 15 characters by default.
Parameter Description This field displays Default parameters by default, but you can modify it especially when you have multiple parameter settings for this dashpart. It is recommended that you enter a description that best describes the parameter.
Number of days This field displays 10 by default, but you can modify it. Use this field to display projects that had modification updates and/or additions in the past "x" days.