Basic Info Tab
Use this tab of the Manage Alternate Project Revenue Profiles screen to override the production values of some basic information on the project.
Override values will be used only in the alternate database and will not replace the values in the production database.
You cannot edit the Production Value fields on this tab. You can only modify the Alternate Profile Override fields, but these are not required. You should enter values in the Alternate Profile Override fields only when they are different from the production values.
Active Flag
This table includes information about Active flags.
Field | Description |
Production Value |
This field displays the production value of the Active flag for this project. |
Alternate Profile Override |
Select the alternate profile Active flag override from the drop-down list. Valid values are None, N, and Y. |
Allow Charging Flag
This table includes information about Allow Charging flags.
Field | Description |
Production Value |
This field displays the production value of the Allow Charging flag for this project. |
Alternate Profile Override |
Select the alternate profile Allow Charging flag override from the drop-down list. Valid values are None, N, and Y. |
Project Account Group
This table includes information about Account Groups.
Field | Description |
Production Value |
This field displays the production value of the account group for this project. |
Prod Allow Edit |
This check box indicates whether or not the Allow Edit flag for this project's account group is selected in the production database. |
Alternate Profile Override |
Enter, or click
Alt Allow Edit |
Select the alternate profile Allow Edit flag override of the project account group from the drop-down list. Valid values are None, N, and Y. |
Apply Cost of Money Rates
This table includes information about Apply Cost of Money Rates flags.
Field | Description |
Production Value |
This field displays the production value of the Apply Cost of Money Rates flag for this project. |
Prod Allow Edit |
This check box indicates whether or not the Allow Edit flag for this project's Apply Cost of Money Rates flag is selected in the production database. |
Alternate Profile Override |
Select the alternate profile Apply Cost of Money Rates flag override from the drop-down list. Valid values are None, N, and Y. |
Alt Allow Edit |
Select the alternate profile Allow Edit flag override of this project's Apply Cost of Money Rates flag from the drop-down list. |
Owning Org
This table includes information about the Owning Org.
Field | Description |
Production Value |
This field displays the production value of the owning organization for this project. |
Prod Allow Edit |
This check box indicates whether or not the Allow Edit flag for this project's owning organization is selected in the production database. |
Alternate Profile Override |
Enter, or click
Alt Allow Edit |
Select the alternate profile Allow Edit flag override of this project's owning organization from the drop-down list. Valid values are None, N, and Y. |