Project Status Details Reporting Area

The Project Status Details reporting area enables you to generate detailed reports on project actual and budgeted performance using detail data from all past, current, and future fiscal periods and subperiods.

Unlike the Project Status Trend reporting area, the Project Status Details reporting area stores data by rows instead of columns. So while the Project Status Trend reporting area limits you to a maximum of 36 future periods, the Project Status Details reporting area gives you access to virtually an unlimited number of past and future fiscal periods. (Despite this difference between the two reporting areas, advanced users can pivot the data in the Project Status Details table to present it in period columns for a trended view.)

Another difference between this reporting area and the Project Status Trend reporting area is that the Project Status Details reporting area provides access to data in all budget or EAC versions. This enables you, for example, to use a filter to specify the budget version you want for the report or to select two budget versions that you want to compare.

Note: The pre-built filters that Deltek provides in the Framework Manager model for the Project Status Details reporting area include a filter for selecting the current budget version.

In addition, this reporting area includes time-related attributes, so you can filter data based on fiscal year, period, and subperiod. Be aware, however, that if you want to see year-to-date or inception-to-date amounts or hours, you must set up the reports to calculate them from the detailed records.

Note: The pre-built filters that Deltek provides in the Framework Manager model for the Project Status Details reporting areas include filters for selecting current period data only or future periods data only.