Project Status Trend Reporting Area

The Project Status Trend reporting area enables you to report both on the current status of projects and on their projected performance, based on budget, for up to 36 future periods.

You can display report columns containing the following actual performance information:

  • Hours and amounts for the current period in Costpoint Budgeting & Planning

  • Hours and amounts year to date through the latest closed fiscal period

  • Hours and amounts inception to date through the latest closed fiscal period

These values are directly available as measures. You do not need to set up your reports to calculate them.

In addition, you can include report columns for project budget data for the current period and up to 36 future periods. That budget data can come from the baseline budget, from the most recent budget version or EAC, or from both the baseline budget and the most recent budget or EAC version (to provide a comparison of the two, for example).

Information from budget versions other than the baseline budget and the most current budget or EAC is not available in this reporting area. If you need to report on other budget versions, you can do so using the Project Status Details reporting area that gives you access to data from all budget versions.

Note that this reporting area has no time-related attributes for filtering actual performance data (for a range of fiscal periods, for example.) All actual hours and amounts are period to date for the current period, year to date for the current year through the last closed period, or inception to date through the last closed period.