G/L Book Info Tab
Use the fields on this tab to enter, edit, or view information, as applicable, for system calculations, salvage percentage, and years, units, or lease information, as applicable, as well as information about depreciation and postings to the General Ledger.
For new records, depreciation information will display on this screen once depreciation for a record has begun. For existing property records, you will need to add historical depreciation data on this screen.
Although you can use up to ten books in Costpoint Fixed Assets, Book 1 always carries the name "G/L Book," and is automatically designated by the system as the Accounting Book. The G/L Book is the ONLY book that interfaces with the General Ledger by means of depreciation, disposal posting and transfer entries.
The fields on this tab are only available for depreciable assets. You can indicate whether an asset record is depreciable or non-depreciable on the Desc Info tab.
If the asset is depreciable, you should also indicate on the Desc Info tab whether depreciation should be based on years, lease periods, or units of usage. Because each of the three basic methodologies for depreciating assets uses some specific terminology and concepts that are not mutually shared, your selection of the depreciation methodology affects the behavior and display of specific fields on this tab, as follows:
- For a depreciable record for which you have selected
Years as depreciation basis, the system activates only those fields within the G/L Book Info tab that are appropriate for use with the Years depreciation methodology.
Specifically, the system disables all fields in the G/L Book Lease Information and G/L Book Units Information group boxes.
For this depreciation basis, you will first need to set up depreciation methods on the Manage Depreciation Methods screen and select one to be used for this asset before you can save the record. The system uses the depreciation method to supply the rules and parameters by which depreciation calculations will be performed.
- For a depreciable record for which you have selected
Units of Usage as depreciation basis, the system activates only those fields within the G/L Book Info tab that are appropriate for use with the Units of Usage depreciation methodology.
Specifically, the system disables all fields in the Depreciation Information, Timing Status, For Date Purchased Basis Only, Salvage, and G/L Book Lease Information group boxes.
For this depreciation basis you will not need to supply a depreciation method for the Asset Master record. Instead, you will supply the units of usage and the standard rate to apply per unit of usage to calculate depreciation.
- For a depreciable record for which you have selected
Lease Pds as depreciation basis, the system activates only those fields within the G/L Book Info tab that are appropriate for use with the Lease Period depreciation methodology.
Specifically, the system disables the In-Service Date field as well as all fields in the Depreciation Information, Timing Status, For Date Purchased Basis Only, Salvage, and G/L Book Units Information group boxes.
Lease depreciation methodology is useful when depreciation is to be based over a period of time that does not fall into an even number of years (such as 37 months, 71 periods, and so on).
For this depreciation basis you will not need to supply a depreciation method for the Asset Master record. Instead, you will set up (once) the recurring monthly depreciation expense for the depreciation calculation.
The fields for the unselected depreciation methodologies in the G/L Book Info tab are inaccessible and non-editable.
In optional books 2-10, as utilized on the Other Books Info tab, all depreciation calculations are based exclusively on a Years depreciation methodology (for which a depreciation method must be specified.)
If the asset is depreciable and its depreciation is based on Years, the Depr Method Code is required before you can save the asset master record.
For established Asset Master records only:
You can enter, edit, and view data from this tab on the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen (directly from the Asset Master Records menu). This alternate screen is one way to give you more flexibility when screen security options are set up for users with different access needs. Data entry functionality and rules on the G/L Book Info tab fields are identical to those fields on the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen.
You should enter data on this screen before you calculate depreciation. Although you can change information on this screen at any time, use caution in the timing of these edits, which can impact the calculation of depreciation as well as the types of records included in system reports.
If you decide to take advantage of the template functionality, you should set up the appropriate Asset Templates on the Manage Asset Template Information screen before you begin to add data in an Asset Master record. If you decide to bypass or defer the use of the template capability, you will need to enter data directly on this screen on a field-by-field basis or clone data from existing asset records.
You may find that one or more fields on this screen are already populated with default data from a template. The source of this data is determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No and Rev No fields on the Desc Info tab. Data may have been copied from a default template designated in the Default Template for Asset Master group box in the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen or from a specified template other than the default. Initial data that displays as a result of using a template can be edited as desired.
System Calculations
In this group box, you can activate automatic system depreciation calculations for this record.
Field | Description |
Auto Calculate Depreciation |
Select this check box if you want the system to automatically calculate depreciation for the asset master record. If you select this check box, the system will also reset the Current Pd Depreciation field back to zero during the Fixed Assets period close process. This check box is selected as default. Clear this check box if you want to disable the automatic system calculation of depreciation for this asset master record. If this check box is clear, you must manually enter the amount of depreciation expense to be posted to the General Ledger in each Asset Master record. In general:
For an existing asset record, this field displays the most current data that you edited in the asset record or the selection from the latest Asset Template. It may not always be easy to identify the source of the Asset Master data, because template functionality on this screen and on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen allows you to overwrite all existing data with template data or to populate only blank fields with template data. Note: Before importing template data to an Asset Master record or to the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen, you must click on the Template Import Parameters subtask link, in which you can specify how the template data should be imported.
Because the system automatically supplies a default value for this field and it is not considered blank, you can select an overwrite option for this field to be used by the system when importing template data. Please refer to the documentation for the Template fields in the Desc Info tab, the Template Import Parameters subtask, and/or the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen for more detailed information. Because Asset Master data may have originated from Costpoint Purchasing, Receiving, and/or Accounts Payable using the autocreation function, it is very important to use the template functionality knowledgeably and with caution. Although you should take care to preserve the integrity of the data with respect to its source, you can always edit data in the Asset Master record fields, as needed, regardless of the mode of data entry (manually, using autocreation, and/or via the template mechanism). Note: For assets that have
Lease Pds as depreciation basis, the label for this check box will read as
Auto Calculate.
Depreciation Information
Use the fields in this group box to specify, view, or edit the depreciation method and useful life for the asset record where depreciation is based on years. For this depreciation basis, you must set up depreciation methods on the Manage Depreciation Methods screen, which supply the rules and parameters by which depreciation calculations will be performed for Asset Master records.
The fields in this group box will only be active if you have selected Years as depreciation basis on the Desc Info tab. In this circumstance, the fields for the unselected depreciation methodologies on this tab (Units of Usage and Lease Pds) will be inaccessible and cannot be edited.
Your selection of the Years depreciation basis only affects fields for the G/L Book. In optional books 2-10, as utilized via the Other Books Info subtask, all depreciation calculations are automatically based exclusively on the Years depreciation methodology.
Field | Description |
Depr Method Code |
Enter, or click
This field will only be active if you have selected Years as depreciation basis on the Desc Info tab. You first must set up depreciation methods on the Manage Depreciation Methods screen. The method you select for this field will supply the rules and parameters by which depreciation calculations will be performed for the G/L Book for this Asset Master record. You may find that this field is already populated with default data from a template and/or as a result of creating this record using the autocreation process Create Autocreation Transactions. If a template was used, the source of this data is determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No and Rev No fields on the Desc Info tab. You can edit data that displays in this field now or you can add new data to a blank field, as desired. Because depreciation calculations in the Asset Master record use the depreciation method code from this field, use caution if you change the depreciation method code for a record once it has begun depreciating in the system. Warning: Regardless of the Date of Purchase or Fiscal Year basis assigned to any depreciation method, to enable the accurate calculation of depreciation, you must set up all Fiscal Year/Period data in Costpoint Fixed Assets for the current fiscal year and two future fiscal years. Use the Manage Fixed Assets Fiscal Years and Manage Fixed Assets Accounting Periods screens to manually enter this data or use the Update FA FY/Pd Information from GL FY/Pd Information screen to copy existing GL data into Costpoint Fixed Assets. You must set up this data as part of your initialization procedures before you compute depreciation for the first time.
If you plan to use the Compute/Update Depreciation Computation Data utility to verify and/or update data in the Depr Start Date, Current Depr Yr, and Days/Pds Remaining fields for your historical assets, you must also set up Fiscal Year/Period data in Costpoint Fixed Assets for the historical fiscal years. This Fiscal Year/Period data should correspond to the Depr Start Date fields on this tab and Other Books Info subtask, as applicable. If no corresponding Fiscal Year/Period data is found in Costpoint Fixed Assets for the fiscal years indicated in the Depr Start Date fields, blanks will display in the Current Pd Depreciation fields after depreciation is computed for new records. As a result, blanks will also display in the Curr Depr Yr and Days/Pds Remaining fields on the report produced by running the Compute/Update Depreciation Computation Data utility. |
Useful Life |
Enter the useful life for this asset master record. The value in this field is for data purposes only, and is not used in system calculations. When the system calculates depreciation, the depreciation year and percentage for that year is derived from the depreciation method assigned to the record in the Depr Method Code field. For example, if you enter a useful life of five years in the Useful Life field but the depreciation method assigned to the record uses only three years as its useful life, the system will use percentages for three years only in its calculations, as specified by the depreciation method. |
Use the fields in this group box to enter, view, or edit a depreciation start date, which is required before depreciation calculations can take place. You can also enter an in-service date but this entry is not required.
Field | Description |
Depr Start Date |
Enter, or click
The relationship between this field and the values in the Current Depr Yr and Days/Pds Remaining fields is critical to the accurate calculation of depreciation for new records. Even though this field is not system-required, it is the most important date field for depreciable assets because the system uses this field in the computation of depreciation. Depreciation calculations will not take place if this field is blank, or if this date is later than the end of the current accounting period. You can check the Fixed Assets current accounting period on the Configure Posting Settings screen. If you anticipate a depreciation start date delay due to installation or calibration requirements, you can enter a future date in this field. In this circumstance, depreciation calculations will not begin until the future date coincides with your current accounting period. The date in this field must be on or before the end of the current accounting period for depreciation calculations to take place. For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, as desired. Because system calculations use this date to determine if depreciation computations should take place for each record, use extreme caution if you change the depreciation start date for property records once they have begun depreciating in the system. You can use the Compute/Update Depreciation Computation Data utility to assist you in verifying the relationship of the Depr Start Date field to the Current Depr Yr and Days/Pds Remaining fields. Using the value in the Depr Start Date field, the system prints a report by asset/item number, by book, that includes a side-by-side comparison of both the current values displayed in the Asset Master record and the values that the system would automatically have computed for the Current Depr Yr and Days/Pds Remaining fields. Although you can print this report for all selected records, you can also print the report for exceptions only, by which discrepancies may be easier to identify. After the report has printed, you can activate the option in this utility that applies the system-computed values to your asset records. This process updates the existing data in the Current Depr Yr and Days/Pds Remaining fields by replacing your data and writing the system-computed values to these fields. Warning: You should always carefully review and agree with the reported results on a record-by-record basis, using the Compute/Update Depreciation Computation Data utility, before performing the Update process.
You should run this utility to verify, and optionally update, your data after you initialize your historical records and reconcile the detail Asset Account and Accumulated Depreciation Account values with your General Ledger and before you compute depreciation for the first time. After initialization, you may want to run this utility on a regular basis each period as part of your company's standard procedures, to confirm that your period additions have been initialized correctly. For additional information about this feature, please refer to the documentation on the Compute/Update Depreciation Computation Data utility. During initialization, to ensure consistency of data, you may want to develop some internal rules on the use of this field. When entering data for new records or for historical records during the initialization process, there are no system restrictions regarding the appropriateness and/or accuracy of the start date. Because of the important relationship between the start date and the data in the Current Depr Yr and Days/Pds Remaining fields, however, in most cases you should enter the date at which depreciation originally began for this record. There are two ways to populate the Current Depr Yr and Days/Pds Remaining fields for new records:
In-Service Date |
Enter, or click
The value in this field is for data purposes only and is not used in system calculations. When the system calculates depreciation, the system checks only the date from the Depr Start Date field. The date in this field can be an historical, current, or future date. For an existing asset record, this field displays the most current data that you added or edited in the asset record. You can edit data that displays in this field, if needed. |
Timing Status
Use the fields in this group box to enter, view, or edit the current depreciation year and days/periods remaining for this record. The data in these fields are used in the system calculation of depreciation.
The fields in this group box will only be active if you have selected Years depreciation basis on the Desc Info tab.
Field | Description |
Current Depr Yr |
Enter the current depreciation year. This field, along with the Days/Pds Remaining and Depr Start Date fields, plays an integral role in the system calculation of depreciation. The value in this field signifies which depreciation year of the asset's useful life is current. As a result of this data, the system can use the appropriate percentage for the current year of life from the depreciation method linked with this record. Years of useful life and percentages for each year are set up on the Manage Depreciation Methods screen. For a new asset record, this field is initially blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field. You can leave this field blank, if desired, because the system will automatically insert 1 in this field for a new blank record the first time that you calculate depreciation for this asset. Alternately, you can manually enter the depreciation year (which should be 1 for a new record), if desired. If you enter a value in this field, however, you must also enter a value in the Days/Pds Remaining field in order to save the asset record. For an existing asset record, this field displays the most current data that you added or edited in the asset record or the data inserted automatically by the system. You can edit data that displays in this field, if needed, but use extreme caution before changing any data in this field for property records once they have begun depreciating in the system. This field must be blank for the system to populate it with a 1 the first time that you calculate depreciation for this record. If you have entered any number in this field, the system will not automatically replace your entry during depreciation calculations. Although this field is not system-required, system calculations cannot take place if you have overwritten the system-populated value in this field with blanks. The system cannot find the appropriate percentage to use from the Manage Depreciation Methods screen if you do not specify the current depreciation year. During the initialization of your historical records, you will need to enter the correct current depreciation year for each asset. If, for example, you have an asset for which you have defined a depreciation method with a useful life of five years on the Manage Depreciation Methods screen, you should enter the current year of that life (for example, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5). In this way, the proper depreciation percentage for the current depreciation year can be used during system calculations. For both new and historical records, once this field is initialized, the system automatically increases the value in this field when required during the appropriate Fixed Assets period close process. The current year automatically increments during the closing process if there are additional years of useful life remaining for the record, and the Days/Pds Remaining field displays 1 (for assets using period-based depreciation) if the number of days remaining is less than or equal to the number of days in the Fixed Assets period being closed (for assets using a Date of Purchase basis with depreciation calculated based on the number of days owned). At the same time, the value in the Days/Pds Remaining field will also change appropriately and automatically. Additionally, under normal circumstances, when an asset is fully depreciated and the last period of life for the asset is closed, the system automatically changes the values in the Current Depr Yr and Days/Pds Remaining fields to 0. You should have no need to change these values other than on an exception basis. Because manually entered data in the Current Depr Yr and Days/Pds Remaining fields is especially prone to user error and misinterpretation, you can use the Compute/Update Depreciation Computation Data screen to assist you in verifying the relationship of these two fields with the Depr Start Date field. You can run it for one, a range of, or all asset/item numbers. The utility produces a report, based on the depreciation start date, which shows a side-by-side comparison of both the current values displayed in the Asset Master record and the system-computed values for the Current Depr Yr and Days/Pds Remaining fields. You can print the report for all selected records or for exceptions only, which makes discrepancies easier to identify. After the report has printed, you can activate the option in this utility that applies the system-computed values to your asset records. This process updates the existing data in the Current Depr Yr and Days/Pds Remaining fields by replacing the existing data with the system-computed values. If you do not apply the system-computed values to your data, you may need to manually adjust some values in the Current Depr Yr and Days/Pds Remaining fields (or, in some cases, the Depr Start Date field) to ensure the accuracy of depreciation calculations. Because the Update portion of this utility will overwrite your existing data with system-generated data, you should always carefully review and agree with the reported results on a record-by-record basis before performing the Update process. The Update process is similar to posting routines in that the report must first be printed before you can proceed with the Update process. Never run the Update process as a matter of routine unless you agree with the system field changes that will take place in each Asset Master record. Note: Please refer to documentation for the Compute/Update Depreciation Computation Data screen.
Days/Pds Remaining |
Enter the days or periods remaining in the current depreciation year of the asset's useful life. This field, along with the Current Depr Yr and Depr Start Date fields, plays an integral role in the system calculation of depreciation. For a new asset record, this field is initially blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field. You can leave this field blank, if desired, because the system will automatically place the correct value in this field for a new blank record the first time that you calculate depreciation for this asset. Alternately, you can manually enter the days or periods remaining in this field. If you enter a value in this field, however, you must also enter a value in the Current Depr Yr field in order to save the asset record. For an existing asset record, this field displays the most current data that you added or edited in the asset record or the data inserted automatically by the system, as applicable. You can edit data that displays in this field, if needed, but use extreme caution before changing any data in this field for property records once they have begun depreciating in the system. The value in this field will depend on the Date of Purchase (DP) or Fiscal Year (FY) basis assigned to the depreciation method for this asset on the Manage Depreciation Methods screen, as follows:
This field must be blank for the system to populate it the first time you calculate depreciation for this record. If you have entered any number in this field, the system will not replace your entry during depreciation calculations. Although this field is not system-required, system calculations cannot take place if you have overwritten the system-populated value in this field with blanks. The system cannot depreciate correctly for the current period if the Days/Pds Remaining field is not specified. During the initialization of your historical records, you will need to enter the correct periods remaining for each asset. This number will be dependent on how many periods are remaining in either your current purchase year or your current fiscal year, as applicable. For both new and historical records, once this field is initialized, the system automatically changes this value (as required) during the Costpoint Fixed Assets period close process. The system automatically increments the current year during the closing process if there are additional years of useful life remaining for the record and the Days/Pds Remaining field displays a 1 (for assets using period-based depreciation) or if the number of days remaining is less than or equal to the number of days in the Fixed Assets period being closed (for assets using a Date of Purchase basis with depreciation calculated based on the number of days owned). At the same time, when the value in the current year increases, the value in the Days/Pds Remaining field will also change automatically and appropriately for the basis used (DP or FY). Additionally, under normal circumstances, when an asset is fully depreciated and the last period of life for the asset is closed, the system automatically changes the values in the Current Depr Yr and Days/Pds Remaining fields to 0. You should have no need to change these values other than on an exception basis. For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, if needed. Because system calculations use this data to determine whether depreciation computations should take place (and how they take place) for each record, use extreme caution if you change this field for property records once they have begun depreciating in the system. Note: Because manually entered data in the
Current Depr Yr and
Days/Pds Remaining fields is especially prone to user error and misinterpretation, you can use the Compute/Update Depreciation Computation Data screen to assist you in verifying the relationship of these two fields with the
Depr Start Date field. You can access this screen from the Fixed Assets Utilities menu. Please refer to the documentation for the Compute/Update Depreciation Computation Data screen.
For Date Purchased Basis Only
In this group box, you can enter, edit, or view the amount of depreciation expense taken purchase year-to-date for the current purchase year. The value in this field is used by the system during depreciation calculations for depreciation methods that use the Date of Purchase basis of depreciation.
This field will only be active if you have selected Years as depreciation basis on the Desc Info tab. This field is active only for depreciation methods that use the Date of Purchase basis. You must select a Date of Purchase (DP) or Fiscal Year (FY) basis on the Manage Depreciation Methods screen when you set up each depreciation method.
Field | Description |
Amt Taken Purch YTD |
Enter the amount of depreciation expense taken purchase year-to-date for the current purchase year. This field, along with the Current Depr Yr and the Days/Pds Remaining fields, plays an integral role in the system calculation of depreciation for methods using the Date of Purchase basis.
For a new asset record, this field is blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field. You should leave this field blank for a new record, because the system will automatically increment (or possibly decrement) the value in this field by the amount of depreciation posted when the current Fixed Assets period is closed. The value in this field will be different from the value in the FYTD Depreciation field except when the date of purchase coincides with the start of your fiscal year. The Amt Taken Purch YTD field displays purchase year data, while the FYTD Depreciation field displays fiscal year data. During the initialization of your historical records, for records linked to depreciation methods that use the Date of Purchase basis for depreciation, you should enter the correct value in this field for the current purchase year of the asset. Please refer to Calculate Depreciation for additional information on how to correctly initialize this field. There are two ways to populate the Amt Taken Purch YTD field for new records:
Because manually-entered data in the Amt Taken Purch YTD field is especially prone to user error and misinterpretation, you can use the Compute/Update Amount Taken Purchase Year-To-Date utility to assist you in verifying the data in the Amt Taken Purch YTD field and the relationship of the values in the Depr Start Date, Current Depr Yr and Days/Pds Remaining fields. You can run this utility for all selected records or for exceptions only, which makes discrepancies easier to identify.
The depreciation start date must be prior to the current Fixed Asset posting Fiscal Year, period, and subperiod. The system will populate this field with 0.00 for assets in the first period of a purchase year. Note: The Compute/Update Amount Taken Purchase Year-To-Date utility produces a report, based on the values in the
Current Depr Yr and
Days/Pds Remaining fields, which shows a side-by-side comparison of both the current values displayed in the Asset Master record and the system-computed values for the
Amt Taken Purch YTD field. This utility can run for any number of asset/item numbers.
After the report has printed, you can activate the option in this utility that applies the system-computed values to your asset records. This process updates the existing data in the Amt Taken Purch YTD field by replacing the existing data (blanks) with the system-computed values. Because the Update portion of this utility will overwrite your existing data with system-generated data, you should always carefully review and agree with the reported results on a record-by-record basis before performing the Update process. The Update process is similar to posting routines in that the report must first be printed before you can proceed with the Update process. Never run the Update process as a matter of routine unless you agree with the system field changes that will take place in each Asset Master record |
G/L Book Lease Information
The fields in this group box will only be active if you have selected Lease Pds as basis for depreciation on the Desc Info tab. You may find that the fields are already populated with default data from a template. If a template was used, the source of this data is determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No and Rev No fields on the Desc Info tab.
For existing asset records, the fields display the most current data that you added or edited in the asset record or the selection from the latest Asset Template specified in the Template No/Rev No fields (if a template was used).
Field | Description |
Capitalized Lease |
For a new asset record, select this check box to indicate that this record is a capitalized lease. The check box is for memo purposes only, and is not used in system calculations. |
Lease Start Date |
Enter, or click
Any date entered in this field is for memo purposes only, and is not used in system verifications and/or calculations. During depreciation computations, the system only checks the date from the Depr Start Date field of the Asset Master record. |
Lease End Date |
Enter, or click
Any date entered in this field is for memo purposes only, and is not used in system verifications and/or calculations. During depreciation computations, the system only checks the date from the Amortization Start Date field of the Asset Master record. The Amortization Start Date in the Dates group box only appears for records with depreciation based on lease periods. The same field has a different label (Depreciation Start Date) for records that have depreciation based on years or on units. |
Total Lease Value |
For a new asset record, zero displays in this field. There is no corresponding Asset Template field. The system uses the value from the Total Cost field on the Cost Info tab and automatically displays this value in both the non-editable Total Lease Value field, the Total Cost field and in the non-editable Amount to Amortize field on this tab. The value in this field is for data purposes only and is not used in system calculations. The system uses the value from the Amount to Amortize field for amortization calculations. |
Total No Periods |
Enter the total number of lease periods (or payments) in this field. For a new asset record, zero displays in this field. There is no corresponding Asset Template field. The value in this field is for data purposes only, and is not used in system calculation. The system uses the value from the Lease Pds Remaining field to determine how many more accounting periods the property should be amortized over. For an existing asset record, you can edit the value that displays in this field, as desired. |
Monthly Amount |
Enter the amount of the monthly lease amortization. For a new asset record, zero displays in this field. There is no corresponding Asset Template field. If the Auto Calculate check box is selected and the asset's book value on this tab is not zero, you must enter data in both the Monthly Amount and Lease Pds Remaining fields in order to save the record. Although this field is not system-required (except in the instance above), system amortization calculations will not take place if this data is missing or if either field is equal to zero. The system does not automatically compute a value for this field because of inherent rounding problems and changing lease conditions. You must manually enter a value in this field. When you compute depreciation for the current period, the system automatically displays the amount from this field in the Current Pd Amortization field. For an existing asset record, you can edit the value that displays in this field, as desired. Because the system copies the data from this field to the Current Pd Amortization field during the compute depreciation process, however, use caution if you change the monthly amount for a record once it has begun amortizing in the system. There will, of course, be instances in which the lease payment changes. If this should happen, you should record the revised monthly amount in this field for the first month in which it is to be effective, before amortization calculations take place. For both new and historical records, the system adds data from the Current Pd Amortization field to the data in the FYTD Amortization and Prior FY Amortization fields to get the Accum Amortization field calculated total. When you close the current accounting period, the system will automatically set back the value in the Current Pd Amortization field to zero unless you have cleared the Auto Calculate check box. You can perform depreciation calculations multiple times within the same Fixed Assets period. If you have made no manual corrections to critical asset data (such as asset cost, periods remaining, and so on), there is no danger that the system will post the same depreciation expense for the same asset in the same Fixed Assets period after depreciation is re-calculated. The system tracks monthly postings for each record and compares the value in the Current Pd Amortization field with the value in the Amount Posted Curr Pd field. If the values in these fields are equal, there can be no additional postings to the G/L for the period. Only changes to the Current Pd Amortization field can generate additional positive or negative amortization expense entries if additional postings are performed for the current Fixed Assets period. As long as the value in the Current Pd Amortization field is different from the value in the Amount Posted Curr Pd field, the system will, within the same Fixed Assets accounting period, always post the value needed to bring the Amount Posted Curr Pd field up to or down to the value in the Current Pd Amortization field. For example, if you have calculated depreciation and the Current Pd Amortization field displays $50.00, the value in the Amount Posted Curr Pd will also display $50.00 after posting to the General Ledger. If you now change the amount in the Current Pd Amortization field to $75.00 and post again within the same Fixed Assets period, the system will recognize that an additional posting of $25.00 is needed to bring these fields to an equal condition and will post $25.00 more. After this second posting, the amounts in the Current Pd Amortization field and the Amount Posted Curr Pd will be equal. When the accounting period is closed, the amount displayed in the Amount Posted Curr Pd field will be added to the amount in the FYTD Amortization field and the value in the Amount Posted Curr Pd field will be set back to zero. The system will post the value in this field to the depreciation expense accounts that you designated for this record in the Depr Expense Acct Alloc Code field on the Acct Info tab. You must establish depreciation expense account allocation codes on the Manage Depreciation Expense Acct Allocation Codes screen. |
Lease Pds Remaining |
For a new asset record, zero displays in this field. There is no corresponding Asset Template field. The system uses the value from this field to determine over how many more accounting periods this property should be amortized for. Although this field is not system-required, system amortization calculations will not take place if this data is missing or zero. If the Auto Calculate check box is selected and the asset's book value on this tab does not equal zero, you must enter data in both the Monthly Amount and Lease Pds Remaining fields in order to save the record. Although this field is not system-required (except in the instance above), system amortization calculations will not take place if this data is missing or zero. Enter the total number of lease amortization periods remaining in this optional field. Always include the current period in this number of periods. Once you have initialized this field, the system automatically decreases the value in this field by one during each time you run the Fixed Assets accounting period close process on the Close Fixed Assets Accounting Period screen. For an existing asset record, you can edit the value that displays in this field, as desired. Because the system only computes amortization for this record when this field is greater than zero, use caution if you change the lease periods remaining for a record once it has begun amortizing in the system. There will, of course, be instances in which the lease periods remaining changes. If this should happen, you should record the revised lease periods remaining in this field for the first month in which it is to be effective, before amortization calculations take place. |
Use this group box to specify a salvage percentage or a salvage value for the asset.
The Percent and Value fields in this group box are reciprocal in that the entry in one field automatically calculates and displays the data in the other.
The system subtracts the amount in the Value field from the Total Cost field and automatically displays the result in the Amount to Depreciate field, which in turn affects the amount of depreciation calculated by the system. For example, if an asset's cost is $10,000 and its salvage value is 5%, then the amount to depreciate is $9,500 and the system will not permit depreciation in excess of $9,500 for this asset. Do not enter a value in the Percent or Value fields for salvage unless this is the point at which you want the system to stop depreciation.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Percent |
For a new asset record, if applicable, enter the salvage value percentage rate to be used in the calculation of salvage and the depreciable value in this optional field. You can enter up to three integers and four decimals. If you enter a salvage value percentage in this field, note that the system automatically computes and displays the equivalent salvage value in the Value field. Alternately, if you do not enter a percentage in this field but instead enter a salvage value amount directly in the Value field, the system will compute and display the equivalent salvage value percentage in this field. Do not enter a value in the Percent or Value fields for salvage unless this is the point at which you want the system to stop depreciation. Do not enter a value in this field for salvage unless you want the system to stop depreciation before the asset's total cost has depreciated. You may find that this field is already populated with default data from a template. If a template was used, the source of this data is determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No and Rev No fields in the Desc Info tab. For an existing asset record, this field displays the most current data that you added or edited in the asset record or the selection from the latest Asset Template. You can additionally edit data that displays in this field now or you can add new data to a blank field, as desired. Because depreciation calculations in the Asset Master record use the salvage value as it relates to cost, use caution if you change this data for a record once it has begun depreciating in the system. Because Asset Master data may have originated from Costpoint Purchasing, Receiving, and/or Accounts Payable using the autocreation function, it is very important to edit this data with caution. Although you should take care to preserve the integrity of the data with respect to its source, you can always edit data in the Asset Master record, regardless of the mode of data entry (manually, using autocreation, and/or via the template mechanism.) Refer to the following specific examples, each of which illustrates a different way in which to handle salvage value relative to the computation of depreciation based on years: Example 1 This example illustrates the setup for the condition in which salvage value is subtracted before depreciation calculations. This is the most common methodology for computing depreciation when there is salvage value assigned to an asset. Asset Master Record:
Depr Method: SL5 (Straight-Line Method over 5 years) Total % to Depreciate = 100% Subtract Salvage Value Before Calculation = Checked for depreciation method "SL5."
For this example, the system subtracted the salvage value from the asset's total cost to determine the amount to depreciate (10,000 - 1,000 = 9,000). Note that the residual amount is spread uniformly across all years of useful life ($200 per year for 5 years). The amount to depreciate is multiplied by the depreciation percentage for the appropriate year of life to determine annual depreciation. Example 2 This example illustrates the setup for the condition in which salvage value is not subtracted before depreciation calculations. Asset Master Record:
Depr Method: SL5 (Straight-Line Method over 5 years) Total % to Depreciate = 100% Subtract Salvage Value Before Calculation = Check box clear for depreciation method "SL5."
For this example, the system ignored the salvage value from the asset's total cost in determining the amount to depreciate (10,000 - 0 = 10,000). The amount to depreciate is multiplied by the depreciation percentage for the appropriate year of life to determine annual depreciation. Example 3 This example illustrates the only method available by which to recognize the residual (salvage) amount in the last year of useful life. Note that only 90% of the asset was set up for depreciation when the depreciation method was defined. Asset Master Record:
Depr Method: SL5 (Straight-Line Method over 5 years) Total % to Depreciate = 90% Subtract Salvage Value Before Calculation = Check box clear for depreciation method "SL5."
This field is not used when depreciation is based on lease periods. |
Value |
Salvage value represents the expectation of value upon the retirement of the asset. It is computed as the salvage value percentage multiplied by the asset's total cost. For a new asset record, if applicable, enter the salvage value to be used in the calculation of depreciation in this optional field. Zero may automatically display in this field, because there is no corresponding Asset Template field. If you enter a salvage value in this field, note that the system automatically computes and displays the equivalent salvage value percentage in the Percent field. Alternately, if you do not enter a value in this field but instead enter a salvage value percentage directly in the Percent field, the system will automatically compute and display the equivalent salvage value in this field. For an existing asset record, you can edit the value that displays in this field, as desired. Because system calculations use this data to determine how depreciation computations should take place for each record, use caution if you change this field for property records once they have begun depreciating in the system. For more information on salvage calculations, please refer to the examples of salvage value calculations illustrated in the Salvage Percent section above. Note: If you selected the Subtract Salvage Value Before Calculation check box on the Manage Depreciation Methods screen (the check box is selected by default), the system will subtract the salvage value from the cost of the asset before performing depreciation calculations. If you clear this check box, the system will ignore salvage value from the Value field when computing depreciation.
This field is not used when depreciation is based on lease periods. |
G/L Book Information
Use the fields in this group box to enter, edit, and view the results of depreciation calculations, G/L postings, and data after each accounting period close.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||
Total Cost |
This field automatically displays the cost from the Total Cost field on the Cost Info tab. If you need to edit the cost, do so in the original field of entry. Because system depreciation calculations use this data, use caution if you change the cost for a record once it has begun depreciating in the system. Occasionally, additional asset costs are discovered after depreciation has been posted for a record (for example, additional shipping costs). Alternately, returns may result in the reduction of cost after depreciation has been posted for the record. One solution to record cost changes is to adjust the appropriate cost fields on the Cost Info tab. The disadvantages to this approach are the lack of a clear audit trail and the fact that depreciation expense may not be correctly stated until the depreciation year is complete. To compensate for these disadvantages, you could add notes to create an audit trail, or create the correct 'catch-up' depreciation adjustment with a manually entered depreciation expense to be posted. If you have set the System-Wide Configuration for Depreciation Calculations group box on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen for catch-up calculations by selecting the Added to current period amount radio button, the system will automatically catch up depreciation, as long as the 'catch-up' period of time is within the same depreciation year. Another solution might be to add an additional item for the same asset number with the cost equal to the positive or negative cost adjustment. When you use this technique, the audit trail is clearly preserved. In this situation, the asset will consist of more than one item number, which may or may not be considered a disadvantage. The manner in which you deal with a change-in-cost issue depends on your company policies; it is important only that you handle these changes consistently based on your company policies. |
Amount to Depreciate |
The system automatically computes and displays an amount equal to the total cost of the asset less any salvage value from the Value field when a depreciation method has been assigned to the record with the Subtract Salvage Value Before Calculation check box selected on the Manage Depreciation Methods screen. If a depreciation method with Subtract Salvage Value Before Calculation check box has been cleared, the Amount to Depreciate will equal the Total Cost. Be certain to confirm the data in the Total Cost and the Percent and Value salvage fields, because they directly influence the system calculation of the Amount to Depreciate field. You can edit the Percent or Value field, as needed. The system will not automatically depreciate an amount greater than the amount that displays in this field unless you have manually overwritten system computations. If you have selected Lease Pds as depreciation basis on the Desc Info tab, the label for this field will read Amount to Amortize. |
FYTD Depreciation |
For a new asset record, this field is blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field. You should leave this field blank for a new record, because the system will automatically increase (or possibly decrease) the value in this field by the amount of depreciation posted when the Fixed Assets current period is closed, regardless of the basis (Date of Purchase or Fiscal Year) associated with the depreciation method assigned to this asset. The value in this field will be changed by the amount posted from the Current Pd Depreciation field. The value in this field is equal to the depreciation expense for the current fiscal year, exclusive of the value in the Current Pd Depreciation field. If you use a Date of Purchase basis for the depreciation method associated with this record, however, the cumulative value in this field will be different from the value in the Amt Taken Purch YTD field (except when the date of purchase coincides with the start of your fiscal year). The FYTD Depreciation field displays fiscal year data, while the Amt Taken Purch YTD field displays purchase year data. The system adds data from the field to data from the Prior FY Depreciation and Current Pd Depreciation fields to derive the Accum Depreciation calculated total. The system will automatically update this field when you perform the Costpoint Fixed Assets period close process on the last period in your fiscal year. In this circumstance, the system will add the value in the FYTD Depreciation field to the value in the Prior FY Depreciation field and the value in the FYTD Depreciation field will be set back to zero. For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, if needed. Because system calculations use this data to determine whether depreciation computations should take place (and how they should take place) for each record, use caution if you change this field for property records once they have begun depreciating in the system. If you have selected Lease Pds as depreciation basis on the Desc Info tab, the label for this field will read FYTD Amortization. Please refer to Calculate Depreciation for additional information on how to correctly initialize this field. |
Prior FY Depreciation |
For a new asset record, this field is blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field. You should leave this field blank for a new record. When closing the last period of the fiscal year, the system will add the value in the FYTD Depreciation field to the value in the Prior FY Depreciation field, and will set back the FYTD Depreciation field to zero. The system will update this field when you perform the Fixed Assets period close process on the last period in your fiscal year. The system adds data from the field to data from the Prior FY Depreciation and Current Pd Depreciation fields to derive the Accum Depreciation calculated total. For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, if needed. Because system calculations use this data to determine whether depreciation computations should take place (and how they should take place) for each record, use caution if you change this field for property records once they have begun depreciating in the system. If you have selected Lease Pds as depreciation basis on the Desc Info tab, the label for this field will read Prior FY Amortization. Please refer to Calculate Depreciation for additional information on how to correctly initialize this field. |
Annual Depreciation |
For a new asset record, this field is blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field. You should leave this field blank for a new record, unless you want to overwrite the system calculation of annual depreciation. The system will automatically calculate the value for this field when you calculate depreciation for this record, if you have selected the Auto Calculate Depreciation check box and the date in the Depr Start Date field is not a future date (later than the end of the current period). Although you can always make manual entries or edits in this field, regardless of the status of the Auto Calculate Depreciation check box and the date in the Depr Start Date field, you should enter all manual entries and overwrites with caution. You can perform depreciation calculations several times within the same accounting period. If you have made no manual corrections to critical fields (such as asset cost, annual depreciation, current depreciation year, periods remaining, and so on), there is no danger that the system will calculate a different annual depreciation value for the same asset in the same accounting period. Annual depreciation is computed based on total cost (or cost minus salvage value) times the depreciation percentage (from the depreciation method assigned to the asset) for the year specified in the Current Depr Yr field. For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field. Because system calculations use this data for depreciation calculations, however, use caution if you change this field for an asset record once it has begun depreciating in the system. |
Current Pd Depreciation |
For a new asset record, this field is normally blank. If you cleared the Auto Calculate Depreciation check box, however, and you manually entered a value in this field last accounting period, this field should still display the manually-entered value for this accounting period. There is no corresponding Asset Template field. You should leave this field blank for a new record unless you want to overwrite the system calculation of current period depreciation. In this circumstance, make certain that you enter your manual overwrite after you have computed depreciation so the system will not overwrite the manual entry. If you manually change the current depreciation expense and then want to set it back to the system-calculated number, you should run the Compute Depreciation process again for that asset. This is especially important if the asset uses a Date of Purchase depreciation method. The system will automatically populate this field when you calculate depreciation for this record provided that you have selected the Auto Calculate Depreciation check box and the date in the Depr Start Date field is not a future date (later than the end of the current period). The current Fixed Assets period is specified on the Configure Posting Settings screen. Although you can always make manual entries and edits in this field, regardless of the status of the Auto Calculate Depreciation check box and the date in the Depr Start Date field, you should enter all manual entries and overwrites with caution. The system computes current period depreciation expense as a result of the Date of Purchase (DP) or Fiscal Year (FY) basis assigned to each depreciation method established on the Manage Depreciation Methods screen. The basic premise for depreciation calculations in which the catch-up amount is to be spread among remaining periods is as follows:
In the simplified example below, consider the basic differences in current period depreciation calculations for a $9,000 asset, useful life of five years, no salvage value, using straight-line depreciation, for both the FY and DP basis. For this example, the current fiscal year is CY 2006, the current Fixed Assets accounting period is 10, the number of accounting periods in the fiscal year is 12, and the start date is 10-01-06.
The date in the Depr Start Date field does not influence the start of the depreciation year until the date window coincides with the current accounting period. If the end of the accounting period occurs before the depreciation start date, the system will not calculate depreciation for this record. In this example, the computed annual depreciation expense is identical for both the DP and FY basis. The current period depreciation expense, however, is different. Actual depreciation calculations may be more complex than the simplified explanation above, because you may have selected to use "catch-up" depreciation calculations in the current period or to compute depreciation on a days basis. For both new and historical records, the system adds data from the Current Pd Depreciation field to the data in the FYTD Depreciation and Prior FY Depreciation fields to derive the Accum Depreciation field calculated total. When you close the current accounting period, the system will automatically set back the value in the Current Pd Depreciation field to zero unless you have unchecked the Auto Calculate Depreciation check box. You can perform depreciation calculations multiple times within the same Fixed Assets period. If you have made no manual corrections to critical asset data (such as asset cost, annual depreciation, current depreciation year, periods remaining, and so on), there is no danger that the system will post the same depreciation expense for the same asset in the same Fixed Assets period after depreciation is re-calculated. The system tracks monthly postings for each record and compares the value in the Current Pd Depreciation field with the value in the Amount Posted Curr Pd field. If the values in these fields are equal, there can be no additional postings to the G/L for the period. Only changes to the Current Pd Depreciation field can generate additional positive or negative depreciation expense entries if additional postings are performed for the current Fixed Assets period. As long as the value in the Current Pd Depreciation field is different from the value in the Amount Posted Curr Pd field, the system will, within the same Fixed Assets accounting period, always post the value needed to bring the Amount Posted Curr Pd field up to or down to the value in the Current Pd Depreciation field. For example, if you have calculated depreciation and the Current Pd Depreciation field displays $50.00, the value in the Amount Posted Curr Pd will also display $50.00 after posting to the General Ledger. If you now change the amount in the Current Pd Depreciation field to $75.00 and post again within the same Fixed Assets period, the system will recognize that an additional $25.00 is needed to bring these fields to an equal condition and will post $25.00 more. After this second posting, the amounts in the Current Pd Depreciation field and the Amount Posted Curr Pd will be equal. When the accounting period is closed, the amount displayed in the Amount Posted Curr Pd field will be added to the amount in the FYTD Depreciation field and the value in the Amount Posted Curr Pd field will be set back to zero. The system will post the value in this field to the depreciation expense accounts that you designated for this record in the Depr Expense Acct Alloc Code field on the Acct Info tab. You must establish depreciation expense account allocation codes in the Manage Depreciation Expense Acct Allocation Codes screen. Changes can take place by means of manual overwrites in this field or as a result of depreciation calculations performed after changes have been made to other critical fields. The Fixed Assets accounting period cannot be closed when the value in the Amount Posted Curr Pd field does not equal the value in the Current Pd Depreciation field. When this is attempted, you will receive a message explaining that you have depreciation that needs to be posted before the period can be closed, and the close process will be cancelled. This message gives you the opportunity to post the entry(s) where Amount Posted Curr Pd do not equal the Current Pd Depreciation field for one or more assets, or to modify those asset records where the condition exists so that the two fields are equal. When the posting is completed or those records that caused the message are adjusted so the posted amount equals the value in the Current Pd Depreciation field, you will be able to close the Fixed Assets accounting period. If you have selected Lease Pds as depreciation basis on the Desc Info tab, the label for this field will read Current Pd Amortization. |
Accum Depreciation |
The system automatically totals the values from the FYTD Depreciation, Prior FY Depreciation, and Current Pd Depreciation fields and displays the results in this non-editable field. If you have selected Lease Pds depreciation as basis on the Desc Info tab, the label for this field will read Accum Amortization. |
Book Value |
The system automatically subtracts the value in the Accum Depreciation field from the value in the Total Cost field and displays the results in this non-editable field. |
Posting Information
Use the single field in this group box to view the cumulative total of all postings to the General Ledger for the current accounting period.
Field | Description |
Amount Posted Curr Pd |
This field is not available for user entry. For all records, both new and historical, the system displays blanks in this field at the beginning of each accounting period. The system automatically populates this field when you post depreciation for the first time in the accounting period. Subsequent postings of depreciation expense (within the same accounting period) will automatically increase or decrease the value in this field, because the system displays the cumulative results of all postings for the current accounting period. The system tracks monthly posting for the record and compares the value in the Current Pd Depreciation field with the value in this field. If the values in these two fields are equal, there can be no additional posting to the G/L for the period. Only changes to the Current Pd Depreciation field can generate additional positive or negative depreciation expense entries by means of additional postings. Note: Changes in the value of the
Current Pd Depreciation field can take place by means of manual overwrites in the
Current Pd Depreciation field or as a result of depreciation calculations performed after changes have been made to other critical fields.
The Fixed Assets accounting period cannot be closed when the value in the Amount Posted Curr Pd field does not equal the value in the Current Pd Depreciation field. When this is attempted, you will receive a message explaining that you have depreciation that needs to be posted before the period can be closed, and the close process will be cancelled. This message gives you the opportunity to post the entry(s) where Amount Posted Curr Pd do not equal the Current Pd Depreciation field for one or more assets, or to modify those asset records where the condition exists so that the two fields are equal. When the posting is completed or those records that caused the message are adjusted so the posted amount equals the value in the Current Pd Depreciation field, you will be able to close the Fixed Assets accounting period. As long as the value in the Current Pd Depreciation field is different from the value in the Amount Posted Curr Pd field, the system will, within the same Fixed Assets accounting period, always post the value needed to bring the Amount Posted Curr Pd field up to or down to the value in the Current Pd Depreciation field. For example, if you have calculated depreciation and the Current Pd Depreciation field displays $50.00, the value in the Amount Posted Curr Pd will also display $50.00 after posting to the General Ledger. If you now change the amount in the Current Pd Depreciation field to $75.00 and post again within the same Fixed Assets period, the system will recognize that an additional $25.00 is needed to bring these fields to an equal condition and will post $25.00 more. After this second posting, the amounts in the Current Pd Depreciation field and the Amount Posted Curr Pd will be equal. When you close the current accounting period, the system adds the amount displayed in the Amount Posted Curr Pd field to the amount in the FYTD Depreciation field and sets the value in the Amount Posted Curr Pd field back to zero. |
G/L Book Units Information
The fields in this group box will only be active if you have selected Units of Usage as basis for depreciation on the Desc Info tab. You may find that the fields are already populated with default data from a template. If a template was used, the source of this data is determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No and Rev No fields on the Desc Info tab.
For existing asset records, the fields display the most current data that you added or edited in the asset record or the selection from the latest Asset Template specified in the Template No/Rev No fields (if a template was used).
Field | Description |
Estimated Units Useful Life |
Enter the estimated units of useful life (such as hours or miles), as applicable. Your entry defines the maximum number of units beyond which the system should not calculate depreciation. The system uses this value as a data limiter, since it will not permit usage entries that will create a value in the Total Units Used field that is greater than the value in this field. Although entry in this field is optional in both an Asset Template and an Asset Master record, the system requires this data for a depreciable asset in which depreciation is based on the Units of Usage methodology in order for depreciation calculations to proceed. |
Unit of Measure Description |
Enter the unit of measure description (such as "Hours" or "Miles"), as applicable. For a new record, blanks display in this field. |
Std Depr Rt Per Unit of Usage |
Enter the depreciation rate per unit to specify the standard rate per unit of usage to be used during depreciation calculations. Although this data is not system-required, system calculations cannot take place if this data is missing for an Asset Master record. During depreciation computations, the system multiplies the value from this field to the value in the Current Units Used field to determine the Current Pd Depreciation expense. |
Prior Units Used |
For a new asset record, this field defaults to zero. There is no corresponding Asset Template field. When initializing your historical records, you should manually enter the correct value in this field. For both new and historical records, the system adds the data from this field to the data in the Current Units Used field to derive the system-computed non-editable value in the Total Units Used field. |
Current Units Used |
For a new asset record, this field defaults to zero. There is no corresponding Asset Template field. Although this data is not system-required, you must enter the number of units used in the current accounting period to enable depreciation calculations to proceed for units-based depreciation. During depreciation computations, the system multiplies the value from this field to the value in the Std Depr Rt Per Unit of Usage field to determine the current period depreciation expense. For both new and historical records, the system adds the data from this field to the data in the Prior Units Used field to derive the system-computed non-editable value in the Total Units Used field. The system will update this field during the Fixed Assets monthly accounting period close process on the Close Fixed Assets Accounting Period screen. The system will add the value in the Current Units Used field to the value in the Prior Units Used field and will set back the value in the Current Units Used field to zero (unless the Auto Calculate Depreciation check box is clear). |
Total Units Used |
The system automatically computes the total from the values in the Prior Units Used and Current Units Used fields and displays the results in this non-editable field. |
- Related Topics:
- Table Information for the B/L Book Info Tab
Changes to this tab update the ASSET table.