Govt Info Tab
Use this optional tab to enter, edit, or view Asset Master government data (or other information), as applicable, for four standard fields (Nat Stock No, Year Built, Acq Date, Employee, Tag Number plus the five UID related fields labeled UID Type, Cage ID, Issuing Agency Code, Enterprise Identifier and UID) and fifteen user-defined non-validated text fields.
Although the system default labels reference "government" only as a matter of convenience and organization and you can use them to hold data for any asset type, you can optionally define the labels for these fields on the Manage Asset Master Field Labels screen at any time you choose for company-owned property and other "non-government" property, as desired.
Each of the standard and user-defined fields on this tab can be used solely, optionally, and independently.
There are no system-required Asset Master fields on this tab.
For established Asset Master records only:
You can enter, edit, and view the data from this tab on an alternate screen called, Manage Asset Government Information directly from the Asset Master Records menu. The Costpoint menu provides an alternate access route to specific types of Asset Master data. This gives you more flexibility when screen security options for users with different access needs are set up.
- If screen rights are set up so the user can access the Manage Asset Master Information screen from the Asset Master Records menu option, this screen and all its subtasks are automatically accessible to the user.
- If screen rights are not set up for the user to access the Manage Asset Master Information screen, the system administrator can alternately grant or deny access rights using the direct menu option on a screen-by-screen basis, which correlates directly with the data contained in each subtask. In this manner, each user can access only the data from permissible subtasks in an Asset Master record.
- You have the option to view data in either a form or table view. Regardless of which entry screen you prefer, data functionality and rules for each field are identical to their corresponding field on the Manage Asset Master Information screen.
There are no system-required fields in this screen.
If you decide to take advantage of the template functionality, you should set up the appropriate Asset Templates on the Manage Asset Template Information screen before you begin to add data in an Asset Master record. If you decide to bypass or defer the use of the template capability, you will need to enter data directly on this tab on a field-by-field basis or clone data from existing asset records.
Each field on this tab has a corresponding field in an Asset Template record, with the exception of the Acq Date, the Tag Number and the UID Information fields. Consequently, you may find that one or more fields on this tab are already populated with default data from a template. The source of this data is determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No and Rev No fields on the Desc Info tab. Data may have been copied from a default template designated on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen or from a specified template other than the default. The fields may also be populated by the autocreation process on the Create Autocreation Transactions screen. Initial data that displays as a result of using a template can be edited as desired.
It may not always be easy to identify the source of the Asset Master data, because template functionality on this tab and on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen allows you to overwrite existing data with template data or to populate only blank fields with template data.
Because Asset Master data may have originated from Costpoint Purchasing, Receiving, and/or Accounts Payable using the autocreation function, it is very important to use the template functionality with caution. Although you should take care to preserve the integrity of the data with respect to its source, you can always edit data in the Asset Master record fields, as needed, regardless of the mode of data entry (manually, using autocreation, and/or via the template mechanism).
Although you can enter and change the information in this screen at any time, use caution in the timing of your data edits, which may affect the types of records included in system reports.
You cannot edit the fields on this tab (for the purpose of preserving the audit trail) if you have posted a disposal or entered a manual disposal. When you first manually add a historical record with a Disposal status, all fields in the Asset Master record can be edited as needed before you save the record for the first time. If you access the saved Disposal record again, the drop-down lists in the Depreciation Status and Depreciation Based On group boxes on the Desc Info tab are disabled. In addition, the system does not permit edits to pertinent fields in the Cost Info and Acct Info tabs and in the Other Books Info subtask (if data previously existed).
Field | Description |
Nat Stock No |
For a new asset record, enter the National Stock Number for this asset record, as applicable. You can edit data that displays in this field now, you can add new data to a blank field, or you can delete the existing data in this field, as desired. |
Tag Number |
For a new asset record, enter the tag number, as applicable. You can edit data that displays in this field now, you can add new data to a blank field, or you can delete the existing data in this field, as desired. Note: If it is your company policy to assign the physical property tag number as the unique identifier for an asset record, the data in this field will be the same as the identifier in the Asset No field.
Year Built |
For a new asset record, enter the year built in the format YYYY (for example, 2002). You can edit data that displays in this field now, you can add new data to a blank field, or you can delete the existing data in this field, as desired. |
Acq Date |
For a new asset record, blanks display in this optional field. Enter, or click
There is no corresponding Asset Template field. The acquisition date displays both in the field and in the Date field in the Acquisition group box on the Purch Info tab. If you have entered a date in the Date field in the Acquisition group box, that date automatically displays in this field, where it can be overwritten. Conversely, overwrites to the date in this field automatically display in the Date field in the Acquisition group box on the Purch Info tab. Although there is no system validation of the acquisition date, you should note that several standard system reports use the acquisition date as one the report selection parameters. In addition, you may find that the acquisition date is an important field when using the Query function or when designing user-specific output. If you enter a date in this field, you may want to develop some internal rules on its use, because there are four additional date fields on the Purch Info tab (PO Date, Receipt Date, Invoice Date, and Voucher Date). For an existing asset record, this field displays the most current data that you added or edited in the asset record. You can edit data that displays in this field now, you can add new data to a blank field, or you can delete the existing data in this field, as desired. Although there are no system rules regarding the date entered in this field, this Acq Date relates to the acquisition of the property and should be consistent with your entries in the required Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod fields of the Purch Info tab. |
Employee |
For a new asset record, enter, or click
The name of the employee automatically displays in the non-editable field directly to the right of the Employee field. For an existing record, you can edit data that displays in this field now, you can add new data to a blank field, or you can delete the existing data in this field, as desired. This field can contain blanks because custodial ownership data is not required in an asset record. You can enter valid data only from the EMPL table in this field. If you need to enter asset ownership data for custodians that are not employees, you may want to consider these alternate possibilities:
Govt1Label |
If you designated a label for the Govt 1 Label field in the Govt Labels for Asset Master group box of the Manage Asset Master Field Labels screen, your label description for the Govt 1 Label displays in this field. Note that it is not a system requirement that you establish a label for this field. If you did not set up a label for Govt 1 Label, "Govt1Label" automatically displays as the default label for this field. This user-defined field can be used independently from each of the other 14 user-defined government information fields. For a new asset record, you can enter a value in this field. |
Govt2Label to Govt15Label |
Please refer to the documentation for the Govt1Label. |
UID Information
Field | Description |
UID Type |
Enter, or click
Issuing Agency Code |
Enter the code for the Issuing Agency who assigned the enterprise identifier for the UID. |
Enter the Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) ID that identifies the government contractor for this asset record. |
Enterprise Identifier |
Enter the UID Enterprise Identifier code assigned by the issuing agency to the manufacturer, vendor, contractor or other entity responsible for creating the UID. |
Enter the UID for this asset record. |
- Related Topics:
- Table Information for the Govt Info Tab
The system stores the Asset Master data displayed on the Govt Info tab in the ASSET and ASSET_OTHER_INFO tables.