Timesheet Status Dashpart

The Timesheet Status dashpart is a pie chart that displays a breakdown of the timesheet statuses of employees that belong to the organizations you have access to. The data on this dashpart comes from Time & Expense.

Note: If you do not have access to Time & Expense, you will not see this dashpart. If you try to enable this dashpart by clicking the Timesheet Status link on the Parameters tab, Costpoint displays a message informing you that you are not licensed for this product.

The chart displays the number of employees in each timesheet status (Open, Submitted, Approved, Rejected, and Processed) in a particular period (Current or Prior timesheet schedule). You can set the period type on the Parameters tab.

If you have access to multiple organizations, you can limit the data that displays on this dashpart to only one or a few organizations using the Organization field on the Parameters tab. After you have entered an organization ID in this field, the dashpart displays data for the selected organization and all levels below it.


Click a slice of the chart to open the Manage/Approve Timesheets screen and view timesheets with the status represented by that slice. If you have the appropriate rights, you can also use this screen to manage employee timesheets, including creation and approval of timesheets.


The data that displays on this dashpart depends on whether or not your company uses the employee level security feature in Time & Expense. If your company does not have employee level security applied, the data you can view will be limited by the parameter selections made on the Parameters tab.

If your company has set up employee level security and you are assigned to a particular security role, only employees whom you supervise will be displayed on this dashpart.

Note: To view data on the Timesheet Status dashpart, your employee ID in Costpoint (as set up on the Information tab of the Manage Users screen) must exist on the Manage Resource Information screen in Time & Expense. Your employee ID must also be set up as a supervisor of an employee group on the Manage Resource Groups screen in Time & Expense.