Processing Details of the Create Microframe Transfer Files Screen
A list of the Costpoint tables used by the preprocessor and their corresponding Costpoint screens can be found in the Technical Details topic.
When you click
, a number of actions are performed.
The Microframe Error, Microframe Data, and temporary tables are cleared of rows from the previous run.
The following data is selected from the Timesheet Header History table and the Timesheet Line History table:
- Fiscal year
- Period number
- Subperiod number
- Account
- Organization
- Project
- Reference number 1
- Reference number 2
- Labor cost amount
- Charged hours
- General labor category
- Employee
- Billable labor category
The following data is selected from Cash Receipts Transaction History table, and the Cash Receipts Header History table:
- Account
- Organization
- Project
- Reference number 1
- Reference number 2
- Fiscal year
- Period number
- Subperiod number
- Transaction amount
The following data is selected from the Voucher Line Account History table, the Voucher Labor Vendor History table, and the Voucher Header History table:
- Account
- Organization
- Project
- Reference number 1
- Reference number 2
- Cost amount
- Vendor amount
- Vendor hours
- General labor category
- Billable labor category
- Fiscal year
- Period number
- Subperiod number
- Vendor
The following data is selected from the Allocation Basis Journal History table:
- Account
- Organization
- Project
- Reference number 1
- Current post amount
- Fiscal year
- Period number
- Subperiod number
- Reference number 2
The following data is selected from the Journal Entry Header History table, the Journal Entry Transaction History table, the Journal Entry Labor Employee History table, and the Journal Entry Labor Vendor History table:
- Fiscal year
- Period number
- Subperiod number
- Account
- Organization
- Project
- Reference number 1
- Reference number 2
- Transaction amount
- Labor amount
- Labor hours
- General labor category
- Billable labor category
- Employee
- Vendor
Data is selected if the row is within the fiscal year and period selected, has a project, and is within the range of IDs selected. If the WBS ID source is a reference number and a row does not have a reference number, an error message is written to the Microframe Error table and the data is not included in the transfer.
The burden markup rates and pool numbers are retrieved from the Project Burden Summary table. Note that these rates do not have a ceiling applied to them.
Using the pool number from the Project Burden Summary table, the application retrieves the pool type for each pool from the Other Pool Info table. This is needed to determine which pools are general and administrative (types 5 and 6); all others are considered overhead.
If the mapping code selected is an EOC mapping (E), the application uses the EOC Mapping table to retrieve Microframe's EOC code.
If the mapping code selected is a Resource mapping (R), the program checks the Mapping table to determine how ODC and labor charges are to be transferred. The program uses the Resource Mapping table to retrieve the resource for all ODC rows and to retrieve the resource for all labor rows. If the labor mappings include the labor category, the billable labor category code is checked first. If a labor row is not mapped, the Resource Mapping table is checked using the general labor category code.
If the EOC or Resource code is blank, the program writes a row to the Error table and does not include the data in the transfer. If the mapping code selected is an EOC mapping, the Costpoint Value on the report is the account. If the mapping code selected is a resource mapping, the Costpoint Value on the report is the CP Value entered in the Manage Microframe Resource Mappings screen. The WBS ID on the report is the value selected in the WBS ID Source drop-down list on this screen.
- If the Apply Burden check box is selected, the indirect amount is computed as follows: Transaction Amount * Burden Markup XXX (where "XXX" is the appropriate rate). Please note that the burden markup rates do not have any ceilings applied.
- If the Fee check box is selected, the project is searched in the Project table to get the value, cost, and fee amounts. If the project does not have a cost amount, one level of the project ID is dropped and the resulting project is searched until either a cost value is found or the top level of the project is reached. The fee amount is divided by the cost amount to get a fee rate. The transaction amount is then multiplied by the fee rate to get the fee amount for each row.
- The program retrieves the Microframe OBS ID from the Microframe Organization Mapping table based on the organization. If the WBS ID Source is Project, the program retrieves the Microframe WBS ID from the Microframe Project Mappings table; otherwise, the Microframe WBS ID is set to the WBS ID Source value (Account, Reference 1, or Reference 2).
- The data in the temporary table is rolled up into the data table grouped by the Microframe WBS ID, the EOC or resource code, and the Microframe department.
- The output file is opened. This may change the current directory, but it is reset when the process is completed. If you entered
E (EOC) for the
Mapping Code, the output line is as follows:
Microframe WBS ID, EOC code, resource department (this is blank), overtime factor (this is blank), Microframe month, labor hours, transaction amount, overhead amount, G&A amount, COM amount, fee amount
- If you entered
R (Resource mapping) for the
Mapping Code, the output file is as follows:
Microframe WBS ID, resource code, resource department, overtime factor (this is blank), Microframe month, labor hours, transaction amount, overhead amount, G&A amount, COM amount, fee amount
- The output file is closed and the directory reset to the original.