Other Factors that Can Affect Depreciation Calculations


Field Description
Data Entered for Depreciation Method

Data entered for the depreciation method assigned to any book of an Asset Master record can also influence the calculation of depreciation. These factors can include data from the following fields on the Manage Depreciation Methods screen:

  • Years of Useful Life field
  • Total % to Depreciate field
  • % Depreciation Per Year (Year field)
  • Depreciation Basis Date of Purchase or Fiscal Year options (discussed in previous paragraphs)
  • Subtract Salvage Value Before Calculation check box
Data Entered in Asset Master Record

Data entered in an Asset Master record can also influence the calculation of depreciation. These factors can include data from the following fields, as applicable:

From the Manage Asset Master Information screen (and on the Manage Asset Description Information screen):

  • Depreciation Based on Years, Units of Usage, or Lease Pds option
  • From the Cost Info tab and Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen (and on the Manage Asset Description Information and Manage Asset Other Books Information screens)
  • Total Cost field

From G/L Book Info tab and Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen (and on the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information and Manage Asset Other Books Information screens):


This list below contains field names as they appear on the Manage Asset Master Information screen. Field names may vary between screens.

  • Auto Calculate Depreciation check box
  • Depr Method Code field
  • Depr Start Date field
  • Current Depr Yr field
  • Days/Pds Remaining field
  • Amt Taken Purch YTD (for Date of Purchase basis only) field
  • Percent field (in Salvage group box on the G/L Book Info tab)
  • Value field (in Salvage group box on the G/L Book Info tab)
  • FYTD Depreciation field
  • Prior FY Depreciation field
  • Estimated Units Useful Life field (if depreciation is based on Units of Usage)
  • Std Depr Rate Per Unit of Usage field (if depreciation is based on Units of Usage)
  • Prior Units Used field (if depreciation is based on Units of Usage)
  • Current Units Used field (if depreciation is based on Units of Usage)
  • Total Lease Value field (if amortization is based on Lease Pds)
  • Monthly Amount field (if amortization is based on Lease Pds)
  • Lease Pds Remaining field (if amortization is based on Lease Pds)
  • Amortization Start Date field (if amortization is based on Lease Pds)
  • FYTD Amortization field (if amortization is based on Lease Pds)
  • Prior FY Amortization field (if amortization is based on Lease Pds)

You may find occasional minor rounding differences (a few cents) in depreciation amounts calculated, even in methodology designed to be consistent from period-to-period.

Due to rounding differences, the system may need to add or deduct a few pennies from the depreciation expense calculated for the last period in each depreciation year (purchase year or fiscal year, as applicable). This procedure ensures that the sum of the depreciation expense calculated for the periods within a depreciation year exactly equals the annual depreciation.