Acct Info Tab
Use the fields on this tab to enter, edit, or view template data, as applicable, to designate the asset "ownership" account, depreciation expense account allocation code, and accumulated depreciation account code information. Always use caution when editing existing records to prevent unexpected depreciation and reporting results.
If you have indicated that this template record is depreciable (by selecting Depreciable as the depreciation status in the Desc Info tab of the Manage Asset Template Information screen), data in each of these group boxes is required, as appropriate, in order to enable postings to the correct General Ledger accounts. If you have indicated that this record is not depreciable, only the Asset Account information is required.
If you plan to use templates, you should enter data in this tab and in the other applicable tabs and subtasks before you begin to establish your Asset Master records. Use template functionality at any time. Although you can change the information on this screen at any time, use caution in the timing of your data edits. Changes to account information can affect postings to the General Ledger as well as the types of records included in system reports that include account number as a selection parameter.
Data in this tab will automatically display in the Acct Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, if you specify the use of the template/revision number of the template record you are creating or editing. Alternately, data from these fields will automatically display in the same field(s) if you specify this template in the Default Template for Asset Master group box on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen. Data from these fields will display in the same field(s) in an existing Asset Master record if the template/revision numbers replace existing values in the Template No/Rev No fields in an Asset Master record.
Asset Account
Use the fields in this group box to enter, edit, or view the asset "ownership" Account/Organization/ Project/Reference1/Reference2 combination information in the template.
The asset account combination specifies the General Ledger asset Account, Organization, Project, Reference 1, and Reference 2 numbers to associate with the template.
There are no system rules regarding the types of Account/Organization/Project/Reference 1/Reference 2 combinations that can be set up for an asset account. "Asset" accounts denote "ownership" and can include balance sheet combinations, expense account combinations (perhaps to track items not capitalized), and/or project combinations for property that should be identified with a contract.
A valid asset account combination is system-required on this screen for both depreciable and non-depreciable property. Although account combinations for depreciation expense and accumulated depreciation are not normally associated with non-depreciable records, asset account combination data is required for all records for the purpose of segregating groups of assets. Asset account combination data is frequently one of the selection criteria by which you can choose specialized segments from your database records when performing online queries, running standard reports, or designing custom reports.
Field | Description |
Account |
For a new template record, enter, or click
Because the system validates your selection for this field against your setup data, you will first need to establish the data on the Manage Accounts screen. For an existing template record, this field displays the data you entered when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can additionally edit data that displays in this field now, you can add new data to a blank field, or you can delete the existing data in this field, as desired. Note: Because many system reports can be sorted by asset account, use caution if you change this field.
An asset (ownership) account is also required in an Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information and Manage Asset Account Information screens. When you save this template record, the system will validate that the account number is a detail account and that it is active. If the account fails one of these validations, you will need to either make corrections to the account or enter a different account number. (Additional validations regarding the Account/Organization/Project/Reference 1/Reference 2 data, as applicable, will also be performed before the record can be saved. The system will validate that the account is valid for the organization, and if project-required, also valid for the project.) |
Organization |
For a new template record, enter, or click
Because the system validates your selection for this field against your setup data, you will first need to establish the data on the following screens:
For an existing template record, this field displays the data you entered when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can additionally edit data that displays in this field now, you can add new data to a blank field, or you can delete the existing data in this field, as desired. Note: Because many system reports can be sorted by asset organization, use caution if you change this field.
An asset (ownership) organization is also required in an Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information and Manage Asset Account Information screens. When you save this template record, the system will validate that the organization is active. If the organization fails this validation, you will need to either make corrections to the organization or enter a different organization. (Additional validations regarding the Account/Organization/Project/Reference 1/Reference 2 data, as applicable, will also be performed before the record can be saved. The system will validate that the organization is valid for use with the account. If the organization is restricted to specific projects, the system will also validate the organization-project relationship.) |
Project |
For a new template record, enter, or click
Because the system validates your selection in this field against your setup data, you will first need to establish the data on the following screens:
For an existing template record, this field displays the data you entered when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can additionally edit data that displays in this field now, you can add new data to a blank field, or you can delete the existing data in this field, as desired. Note: Because many system reports can be sorted by project, use caution if you change this field.
An asset (ownership) project is also optional in an Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information and Manage Asset Account Information screens unless the account/org combination requires a project. When you save this template record, the system will validate that the project level is valid and active. If the project fails this validation, you will need to either make corrections to the project or enter a different project. Additional validations regarding the Account/Organization/Project/Reference 1/Reference 2 data, as applicable, may also be performed before the record can be saved (such as checking that the account-organization combination linked with the project is valid). |
Ref 1 (or your label) |
If you designate a different label for Reference 1 in your General Ledger on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen, your label displays at this field. For a new template record, enter, or click
Because the system validates your selection in this field against your setup data, you will first need to establish the data on the Manage Reference Elements and Link References/Accounts/Organizations screens. For an existing template record, this field displays the data you entered when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can additionally edit data that displays in this field now, you can add new data to a blank field, or you can delete the existing data in this field, as desired. Note: Because many system reports can be sorted by this field, use caution if you change this field.
Asset (ownership) Reference 1 data is optional in an Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information and Manage Asset Account Information screens. When you save this template record, the system will check to confirm that the Reference 1 number is valid. If a Reference 1 number fails this validation, you will need to either make corrections or enter a different Reference 1 number. |
Ref 2 (or your label) |
If you designate a different label for Reference 2 in your General Ledger on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen, your label displays in this field. For a new template record, enter, or click
Because the system validates your selection in this field against your setup data, you will first need to establish the data on the Manage Reference Elements and Link References/Accounts/Organizations screens. For an existing template record, this field displays the data you entered when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can additionally edit data that displays in this field now, you can add new data to a blank field, or you can delete the existing data in this field, as desired. Note: Because many system reports can be sorted by this field, use caution if you change this field.
Asset (ownership) Reference 2 data is optional in an Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information and Manage Asset Account Information screens. When you save this template record, the system will check to confirm that the Reference 2 number is valid. If a Reference 2 number fails this validation, you will need to either make corrections or enter a different Reference 2 number. |
Accumulated Depreciation Account
Use the fields in this group box to enter, edit, or view the accumulated depreciation account code for this record.
The accumulated depreciation account code specifies the General Ledger account, organization, project, reference 1 and reference 2 numbers to which accumulated depreciation will be posted for an Asset Master record that uses data from this template. This field is system-required for depreciable assets, and it will automatically be skipped by the system for non-depreciable assets.
Field | Description |
Code |
For a new template record, enter, or click
Because the system validates your selection in this field against your setup data, you will first need to establish the data on the Manage Accumulated Depreciation Account Codes screen. For an existing template record, this field displays the data you entered when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can additionally edit data that displays in this field, as desired. Because accumulated depreciation postings to the G/L are made to the account/organization/project combination represented by the account code, use caution if you change this field. An accumulated depreciation account code is also required in an Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information and Manage Asset Account Information screens for depreciable assets. The data from this field will automatically display as the accumulated depreciation account code in an Asset Master record if you specify the use of this template/revision number as a new or replacement template/revision number. Alternately, data from this field will automatically display in the same field(s), if this template has been specified as the default template in the Default Template for Asset Master group box on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen. The name that you assigned to the accumulated depreciation account code during setup on the Manage Accumulated Depreciation Account Codes screen automatically displays in the non-editable field directly to the right of the Code field. |
Account |
When an Accumulated Depreciation Account Code has been assigned to the template currently displayed on the screen, the account that was assigned to the code during setup on the Manage Accumulated Depreciation Account Codes screen will automatically be displayed in the Account field within the Accumulated Depreciation Account group box. If the Code field is blank, the Account field will also be blank. This field is non-editable, since it displays the account associated with the Accumulated Depreciation Account Code used on this screen. The Account field is displayed for information purposes only, so the field is non-editable. This field is also visible on the Manage Asset Master Information screen but is not visible on the Manage Asset Account Information screen. |
Organization |
When an Accumulated Depreciation Account Code has been assigned to the template currently displayed on the screen, the organization that was assigned to the code during setup on the Manage Accumulated Depreciation Account Codes screen will automatically be displayed in the Organization field within the Accumulated Depreciation Account group box. The Organization field is displayed for information purposes only, so the field is non-editable. This field is also visible on the Manage Asset Master Information screen but is not visible on the Manage Asset Account Information screen. |
Project |
When an Accumulated Depreciation Account Code has been assigned to the template currently displayed on the screen, the Project (if any) that was assigned to the code during setup on the Manage Accumulated Depreciation Account Codes screen will automatically be displayed in the Project field within the Accumulated Depreciation Account group box. The Project field is displayed for information purposes only, so the field is non-editable. This field is also visible on the Manage Asset Master Information screen but is not visible on the Manage Asset Account Information screen. |
Ref 1 (or your label) |
When an Accumulated Depreciation Account Code has been assigned to the template currently displayed on the screen, the Ref1 that was assigned to the code during setup on the Manage Accumulated Depreciation Account Codes screen will automatically be displayed in the Ref1 field within the Accumulated Depreciation Account group box. The Ref1 field is displayed for information purposes only, so the field is non-editable. This field is also visible on the Manage Asset Master Information screen but is not visible on the Manage Asset Account Information screen. |
Ref 2 (or your label) |
When an Accumulated Depreciation Account Code has been assigned to the template currently displayed on the screen, the Ref2 that was assigned to the code during setup on the Manage Accumulated Depreciation Account Codes screen will automatically be displayed in the Ref2 field within the Accumulated Depreciation Account group box. The Ref2 field is displayed for information purposes only, so the field is non-editable. This field is also visible on the Manage Asset Master Information screen but is not visible on the Manage Asset Account Information screen. |
Depreciation Expense Account
Use the field in this group box to enter, edit, or view the depreciation expense account allocation code for this record.
The depreciation expense account allocation code specifies one or more General Ledger account, organization, project, reference 1 and reference 2 numbers to which depreciation expense will be posted for an Asset Master record that uses data from this template. This field is system-required for depreciable assets, and it will be automatically skipped by the system for non-depreciable assets.
Field | Description |
Depr Exp Acct Alloc Code |
For a new template record, enter, or click
Because the system validates your selection in this field against your setup data, you will first need to establish the data on the Manage Depreciation Expense Acct Allocation Codes screen. For an existing template record, this field displays the data you entered when you originally added the template record or made subsequent edits. You can additionally edit data that displays in this field as desired. Note: Because depreciation expense postings to the G/L are made to the account/organization/project combination represented by the account code, use caution if you change this field. In this circumstance, you will need to go back into the Manage Asset Master Information screen and tab through the Template No/Rev No fields to re-import revised data from the template. Alternately, you can also create a new template or the template with an appropriate revision number that incorporates the change. Or you can bypass the template record and manually make the desired change directly in the Asset Master record.
A depreciation expense account allocation code is also required in an Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master Information and Manage Asset Account Information screens for depreciable assets. The description for the depreciation expense account displays in the untitled field to the right. The system automatically displays the description for the depreciation expense account allocation code from the Manage Depreciation Expense Acct Allocation Codes screen. Updates to the description can only be made on that screen. |