Employee Info Tab
Use this tab to enter basic employee information.
Field | Description |
Social Security No |
Enter the employee's Social Security number. The delimiters are stored as part of the record. If you selected the Use Social Security No for Employee ID check box on the Corporate Labor Settings subtask of the Configure Labor Settings screen, the Social Security number fills automatically from the employee ID. If you selected the Validate Social Security Number check box on the Configure Labor Settings screen, Costpoint validates the Social Security number to ensure no duplicate entries exist. |
Status |
Use this drop-down list to select status categories. Status descriptions are as follows:
You must select a status for each employee. |
Last |
Enter the employee's last name. You can enter names in upper and lower case. |
First |
Enter the employee's first name. |
Middle |
Enter the employee's middle name. |
Displayed Name |
This is a required field. This editable field automatically populates when you enter the employee's last name, first name, middle name and suffix. Costpoint formats the name in the following manner: Last Name, Suffix, First Name, Middle Initial. When updating an existing employee's record, if the First, Last, or Middle name changes, you have the option of updating the Displayed Name to reflect the change. You can manually enter or change the Displayed Name field at any time, regardless of the settings in the Name group box. This field is used for displaying the employee's name on both reports and screens. |
Birth Date |
Enter, or click
Note: This field is required if you intend to use the Update Excess Life Deductions utility. This information is also required by Costpoint Deferred Compensation Administration to determine whether an employee meets the minimum age test to participate in a 401(k) plan.
Current Hire Date |
Enter, or click
For Costpoint - Deltek Talent Management Integration users, this value will be exported to Deltek Talent Management. |
Termination Date |
Enter, or click
For Costpoint - Deltek Talent Management Integration users, this value will be exported to Deltek Talent Management. If you populate or change the employee's Termination Date field, the following will occur:
Last Day Worked |
Note: This field is information-only and is not used in Costpoint or Deltek Time & Expense. If you use Costpoint - Deltek Talent Management Integration, you can use this field for employee offboarding purposes in Deltek Talent Management. When you run the Transfer Talent Management Data process to export employee data, the application includes both the
Termination Date and the
Last Day Worked of terminated employees. When these dates have been transferred successfully, terminated employees/users will no longer have access to Deltek Talent Management
Enter, or click
For Costpoint - Deltek Talent Management Integration users, this value will be exported to Deltek Talent Management. If you populate or change the employee's Last Day Worked field, the following will occur:
Past Hire Date |
If the employee leaves the company and later returns, enter the earlier hire date (the previous Current Hire date) here, and enter, or click
Contractor |
Select this check box to identify the employee as a contractor. If you select this check box, the Payroll Service ID, the Union Employee, and the Eligible for Auto Pay check boxes are automatically cleared. In addition, the Social Security No for that employee is modified to 999-99-9999. Employees designated as contractors do not affect the Costpoint employee count, and Costpoint does not compute leave for these individuals. The employee count is based on the number of non-contractor employees with no termination dates or a termination date later than the system date. Contractors are excluded from Employee Lookups. You cannot enter a contractor in an Employee field. If you export timesheets to Time Collection or a third-party vendor such as ADP, contractor timesheets are included in the export. |
Taxable Entity |
Enter, or click
Timesheet Cycle |
Enter, or click
Leave Cycle |
Enter, or click
Use this group box to enter information related to the employee's name. |
Locator Code |
If you are planning to print checks or leave statements by locator code, enter, or click
Supervisor Name |
Enter the name of this employee's supervisor in this optional field. This field is for informational purposes only. |
Create Vendor Record |
Select this check box to generate a vendor record when you save this employee record. This check box is available only when you select the Add/Update Vendor on the Add/Updated of Employee check box on the Configure Vendor Settings screen. |
Vendor ID |
Enter in this field to add, change, or view the Vendor ID that is linked to this employee. This field is blank If the employee is not linked to a Vendor. This field is editable if the Add/Update Vendor on Add/Update of Employee check box is selected on the Configure Vendor Settings screen and the employee has not yet been linked to a Vendor. If you would like to link an employee to an existing Vendor ID, you must link the Employee ID to the Vendor on the Manage Vendors screen. |
Preferred Name |
Enter the preferred first name, or nickname, for the employee. This field is used for informational purposes only. |
Prefix |
If the employee has a prefix to his or her name, for example, Dr., enter it here. |
Suffix |
If the employee's name has a suffix, for example, Junior or III, enter it here. |
Prior Name |
If the employee's name has changed (for example, due to marriage), you can enter the previous name of the employee in this optional field. You normally enter the last name, followed by a comma, then the first name, then a space, then the middle initial, then the suffix, if appropriate. This field is for informational purposes only. |
Union Employee |
Select this check box if the employee is in a union and fringe benefits apply. If you select this check box, Costpoint uses the union profile rate to calculate the employee's labor cost during timesheet entry. This is an optional field. |
Eligible for Auto Pay |
Select this check box if the employee is eligible for Auto Pay. If you select this check box and you run the Create Auto-Pay Timesheets utility, Costpoint creates a timesheet for this employee if the employee does not already have a timesheet for the selected timesheet date. |
Vendor Update Password |
Enter the password that allows you to make updates to vendor information. You must enter this password if you update one of the following values on this screen and if both the Add/Update Vendor on Add/Update of Employee check box (on the Configure Vendor Settings screen) and the Record Vendor Info Updates check box (on the Configure Accounts Payable Settings screen) are selected:
User ID | Enter the ID to be used in the automatic creation of Costpoint user record for this employee. You can use this field if:
If you are entering a new employee record, this field will automatically default to the Employee ID. When you enter a value in the Work E-Mail Address field on the Address/Contact tab, the application will ask whether you want to update the user ID based on the entered value (for example, if the value in the Work E-Mail Address field is janemariesmith@company.com, the User ID can be set to 'JANEMARIESMITH'. The user ID cannot exceed 20 characters, so if the Work E-mail Address value is abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz@company.com, the application will ask if you want to set the user ID to ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST. If the employee is not yet linked to a Costpoint user on the Manage Users screen, you may edit the value before saving. Once the Employee ID is linked to at least one user ID in the Manage Users table, this field will no longer be available. Note: This field is only used to generate a new Costpoint user record. The value is not stored in the Employee (EMPL) table.
Login ID |
This value will be used to populate the Active Directory or Certificate ID field in the Manage Users table. Enter the login ID if it differs from the value in the
User ID field. You can use this field if:
This field will automatically default to the User ID. When you enter a value in the Work E-mail Address field on the Address/Contact tab, you will be asked whether you want to update the user ID based on the entered value. For example, if the value in the Work E-mail Address is janemariesmith@company.com, the login ID can be set to janemariesmith. If the Work E-mail Address field value is abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz@company.com, the login ID can be set to abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. If the employee is not yet linked to a Costpoint User in the Manage Users screen, you may edit the value before saving. Once the employee is linked to at least one user ID in the Manage Users table, this field will no longer be available. This field is required if the
Authentication Method is one of the following in the Configure System Settings screen:
This field is not required for Database or Windows Domain and Database authentication methods. Note: The screen only displays this field if the Employee ID is not yet linked to a Costpoint User. This field is only used to generate a new Costpoint user record. The value is not stored in the Employee (EMPL) table.
ESS User |
Select this check box to grant ESS access to the specified user ID. When you save this record, the Default ESS User Group specified in the Configure Global Settings screen will be automatically linked to the user. If the employee is not yet linked to a Costpoint user in the Manage Users screen, you may change the state of the check box before saving. Once the employee ID is linked to at least one user ID on the Manage Users table, this check box will no longer be available. This field is only visible if the following conditions are true:
This field is only used to generate a new Costpoint user record. The value is not stored in the Employee (EMPL) table. |